chapten eighteen ; later

594 34 5

february 24th, 2015 * thiago's pov *

Today was the day. I could start training again. I woke up this morning and sprinted to get ready for training. It would be individual, but it still made me happy.

I hopped in my car and took off towards the training ground. It's been almost five months since me and Bruna's little disagreement.

Sadly, we haven't been the same since. She kept her distance afterwards so I respected that and gave it to her.

Everyday I regret saying what I said and doing what I did. I also wake up most mornings scared that she left the country again or something.

It has come to the point where I have to ask Robert how she is doing. I see her beautiful face on the streets in Munich sometimes.

One day I ended up bumping into her and Mario. Although they looked happy, apparently they aren't a thing and never will be says Robert.

We've exchanged brief words with each other at parties, but they are filled with awkward pauses and moments of silent.

I'm hoping this whole part with me starting to train again will benefit me, and I can go on to talk to Bruna again.

To me, Bruna is more important than football will ever be. Sure, I love football, but Bruna is beyond football.

I just am hoping she will forgive me eventually.

Pulling in to the training ground parking lot, I see Manuel getting out of his car. He looks up and waves while waiting for me to park.

When I park and get my stuff out of the car, I can hear the German's voice from far away. "The magician is back to training!? Ja?" Manuel exclaims as he gets closer to me and pats me on the back.

"Ja." I give a brief response, imitating his accent. He laughs as we walk through the building doors and as soon as the staff's eyes lay on me they all start clapping.

"Welcome back!" They all congratulate me individually. It takes awhile, but about twenty congratulations and handshakes later I'm making my way towards the locker room.

The locker room is filled with all my team mates and shouts erupt when I walk into the room. Some yelling my name, others yelling welcome back.

It was comforting to see everyone was happy I was back. I was overjoyed that my feet could finally touch a football again.

We all walked out to the pitch together, but I was quickly separated from them to train by myself.

Training went by fast, but it was an amazing comeback training. As I finished my training I headed back to the locker room, a little later than everyone else. Or so I thought.

When walking in to the locker room, Mario turned around to look who was there. His expressions changed in an instant and he adverted his eyes away from me. He wasn't in his training clothes, instead he looked as if he was going somewhere.

"You got plans?" I asked from my locker, not daring to look at him, "Yeah, I do." The awkwardness in the room only got heavier. I knew from the minute I saw him in here all dressed up, he was going to see Bruna.

I didn't want to make a huge deal about it, but I had to get my point across. "You better not hurt her Mario." He narrowed his eyes at me, "I'm pretty sure you were the one who hurt her?"

He was right. I hurt her, but it was probably the biggest mistake I've ever made. I wish I could rewind to that day and have that never happen.

I don't say anything else because I realize maybe Bruna needs someone like Mario. Someone who would treat her right.

I walk out of the door that leads to the parking lot and there she is in all her glory.

Standing against Mario's car texting away on her phone. I stop in my tracks and just stare, she seems to notice when the door behind me makes a noise as it shuts.

Her eyes said more than words could say. Figuring her out is like figuring out a crossword puzzle. I have forever been horrible at crossword puzzles.

"H-h-h-h-i." I stutter out and she looks like she is about to respond when Mario walks out the door that is behind me. "Oh? Oh.." He looks confused at first, but shrugs it off and walks right past me.

I hang my head low and walk towards my car not acknowledging the two. Right before I get in my car, I look up to look at Bruna.

Mario is already in his car and she's walking around the back to get in the passenger side. Her eyes are glued to me for the time she is walking around the car till she ducks down to get into the car.

I stand there stunned and unable to do anything as Mario drives away with her.

Standing there, watching her drive away with Mario. I came to the conclusion to accept she would never be mine.

After that I get into my car and drive home to my empty home. All I can think about is Bruna and the thousands of ways I fucked up our semi-relationship.

Ultimately I ended up tearing my house apart looking for the picture. Three hours later I found it in my closet.

The side that Bruna would use when she came over. All that was left was my old warmup jersey from Barcelona and the picture. Lying there in the drawer, taunting me with our past.

The past, where we were the only ones for each other. Where we didn't have the confusion of a relationship going on. Where I wasn't fighting for her attention.

How badly I wished to go back to those days before everything had changed between us.



Poor Thiago is taking it so hard💔 I am having mixed feelings about the way I want to end this book now so yipee.. Kind of short update I don't really know but hope you like it❤️

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