The teen soon let loose a tired sigh. "Fine."

A big hug.

"Things will be fine Via. Who knows it could just be a passing thing for both of us. Now I don't want you to worry about any of this. Okay my little owlet."

Octavia stare at him but sighs, "All right dad."

"Good. After I'm done feeding the plants. Let's sit down to look through the grimoire. I think you're ready to learn a new spell."

"Cool." A little smile as her eyes perks up about that. While the other wanted to push. She pushes it backward. Let them handle it. Watch her father get up to go take care of the plants. Gets up soon after to head to his office.


She swears it better not be another text from her Moth-Stella. Pull it out as she looks at it. Stare for a bit. Let loose a sigh as she then texts back.

I'm fine. Tell Stella to stop sending me texts before I block her for good.

Don't worry, I'll remind my sibling. Uncle will take care of everything.


Of course, my favorite niece!


Seriously why do they all have to be weird like this?

Put her phone up. Soon, my daughter and father's lesson time.

"You really are leaving at the end of the month?"

"Yes." Moxxie answered again.

Striker laying out on the couch. While he was holding Moxxie who was on top of them.

Striker practically moves back in. A week already past with the pair living together.

It was a bit odd for them. Too get back in touch what to do. Striker amused the extra room became well Flaw storage room. But he can't complain. Still a lot of space, even with their own stuff still here they left. It wasn't a lot but we kept together. Millie came down a lot or Moxxie would go over. To either just chill, hangout, or when they cooked.

Millie and Striker would have this stare off. Like waiting for the other to mess up. Or give them a reason to start something. It'll be tense. Millie did put Sallie on the phone. It was very verbal between the pair. Then one point Millie folks pop in. Just casually talking. Some anger around that Striker hurt their daughter. Which leads to if Striker ever needs to work the farm open up again.

Very normal by the way in Hell.

The job. Assassination is a job after all. Right connections. Who you are hired. Even the worthiness of the kill and price. A deep dark business in the criminal underground with their own rules. Bosses in different areas and rings. Deeper than many seem to think along with powerful. Rumors of those who could be leading it or not. Go, far to say maybe one the Goetias. Even a Sin to check in. Yet, nobody can say along with fingers pointing around. Don't need to cross to close to the line.

Many seem to be doing that lately.

You got those who run it. Those who hire for different jobs. Those who get the words out to clients vocally. It can be tough business too. Even for those who like the assassin. If you have names like the Outlaw. Boogieman. L'incinérateur. Bubak. They're recognizable. Recognize in the system bit not easy to get a hold sometimes. Unless already on another job, dead, won't take the job or a new number. The no face ones make it harder to contact. No idea what they could look. Which is good as you got to save your own skin. Won't be caught. Many want to hire them as they're really good. But don't get too cocky or annoyed if you don't get what you want. Or not able to find the one you wanted to hire. Like the imps will be a new one. Replace in a snap. Still Same with a Hellhound, succubus, incubus, aquatics, hybrids and you can name it all. Even a sinner but will be only focus in one place. That one place and territory can mean a lot unless you don't lose it. If you're like an overlord, a noble and even a Goetia don't care. If you're the best and messed up. Be replaced with another. Just don't be an idiot or fool when you hire an assassin in that kind of system. Unless you probably the one who will get killed. Or could be vice versa.

Error wanted rest! Not be a Imp...Oh well 2.0 VersionWhere stories live. Discover now