Chapter 39

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Chapter 39


Warning: OOC, random craziness, Error past dark abuse, many other troubles if mention, cursing, killing, dark themes, racism mention, stuff children/teen shouldn't do, profanity, self-harm, suicidal moments, cheating, sexual moments mentioned, violence, smoking, drugs, alcohol, guns mention, animal death, cringe, bullying, yandere, possible musical/singing moments and bad flirts.

Error/Moxxie speaking


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Well, Moxxie did it. He finally put in a few new items out during the year.

It was just T-shirts centered around the café. Lovely flower designs that Ivy approved. She very much like them a lot. She would even see her shop get tagged a lot if a customer would post the shirt they were in along with their drink or food.

Along with those T-shirts, you got the T-shirt from Flaw itself. That were based around the space sheep, stars and a crooked moon. miniature animal puppets that can be put on keychain. It was the space animals but made them look a bit hellish.

Many customers very much like them. Can't beat the prices. There were like a few small fights. One time there was a customer who tried to buy all the miniature puppets.

Let's just say there is another sign now that you can only buy two. You can get a third one but you have to buy something behind the counter.

Besides those incidents, along with the normal ones at work. Everything has been good. Did buy a laptop. He kind of forgot that was a thing now with technology growing down here. A big hit especially in the social media stand point. But still the old and the new mix here in Pride. 

It didn't mean he was selling stuff online. Yet. I just wanted to make a website till it was well ready. It just gave them time since right now they are just fine doing the things at Ivy shop. Even if there is a part that whispered in the back of their head to do it now. But he is going to wait. Put extra practice and experience in their sewing. Along with their other hobbies they still want to do. Even still working part time at the shop really not getting in the way of their schedule.

Of, course Moxxie has started feel strangely awkward around Ivy. Not sure why at first.  Before didn't care she, along with Maria were already talking. Moxxie was still treated well as an employee. Even if he would get huffy when Ivy makes small threats about calling their Madre. Only because they made comments about not sleeping. Or just eating chocolate again as their only lunch.

Which she does. Tattle tale.

It wasn't like a hostile feeling. Even doesn't detect it from the two of them. At least what they seen, heard or if brought up. Sure, he thought their first two physical meetups were just plain weird, cringe. That day was still weird to them. Even to this day if he hears them use those words. Lobster? Buttercup?

Made them want to gag. Doesn't care if the two are friends or not. Just sounds so awkward to hear. Along with an odd sense something else was amiss even as those days to weeks to month have passed. Could be their paranoid thoughts getting into their head.

Yeah, that's it.

Until a year later had to do a quick errand during work. Finish a bit too early. They went to the back door of the kitchen. Step in to see their Madre and boss making out.

They had their closes thing to a bluescreen moment and crashed. No, wait fainted. Doesn't matter!

Almost plead, along with a threat after waking up, to not do that in front of them again. Or at least lock the bloody door.

Error wanted rest! Not be a Imp...Oh well 2.0 VersionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora