Chapter 62

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Chapter 62


Warning: OOC, random craziness, Error past dark abuse, many other troubles if mention, cursing, killing, dark themes, racism mention, stuff children/teen shouldn't do, profanity, self-harm, suicidal moments, cheating, sexual moments mentioned, violence, smoking, drugs, alcohol, guns mention, animal death, cringe, bullying, yandere, possible musical/singing moments and bad flirts.

Error/Moxxie speaking


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Can we talk tomorrow?

Moxxie stared at the message from Stolas. Sent a message back with the word yes. Now to just wait.

Once Moxxie made sure no one was going to interrupt him or need him. He got ready to go to space. The cast was easy to get off so there won't be any questions about that. He was slightly surprised how quiet it was on the IMP side. But can deal with that wants he comes back. He was going to make a surprise visit.

Then out through the portal into space.

A few ideas ran through his head wondering what this talk was about. Sees the moon Stolas wanted them to meet at. Along with the tall owl himself sitting down on a rock. He had a book with him as well. Wait? Why does he have the Grimoire? Doesn't IMP still have it for another two weeks? Land on the ground and approach him. "Frogmouth?"

"Hello Puppet." Stolas looked up with a small smile.

"Are you in trouble?"


"With your work or position. With the whole Moon festival being interrupted. You said it was being taken off. Did something happen"

"No, I am not." Let out a relieved sigh for that. But then scratch the back of his head. "But there were questions about you."

That was what he worried about.

"You're lucky. The Wrath lord thinks you're my own servant. Besides that, wanting to make sure his citizens were fine, no one got bitten along with destroyed and everyone believes it was a hallucination. They won't say anything as this is their ring business. But to keep space business away from the future. So, next year will need to be sure nothing like this will happen again."

"I'm," Moxxie wasn't sure what to say really. One, a bit relieved to not go in and question all that. But, also felt alert and wanted to know what they are playing at. But for now, he will leave it as it is. "Sure, it'll be all fine?"

"Just will have to see." Look at him and smile slightly. "I promise I will not let Hell business affect you."

He stared at that smile and looked down slightly. Then at the book. "Why you have it with you?"


"Your book. Isn't it usually with the other one?"

"Ah. That's another thing I had to deal with as well. IMP will no longer be able to use my Grimore."


"Why? I thought you had a deal? The sleeping around? The fights." Dammit! Dammit! This can't be happening right now!

"I can't let another thing that happen to Wrath happen again." Stolas tone turn serious and tiredness. "What if one them accidentally opens a portal to space and bug gets here into Hell. Or Earth around humans. You meet, healed one of their own. You saw what happened. If you didn't get there he would have died."

Error wanted rest! Not be a Imp...Oh well 2.0 VersionWhere stories live. Discover now