Chapter 111

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Chapter 111


Warning: OOC, random craziness, Error past dark abuse, many other troubles if mention, cursing, killing, dark themes, racism mention, stuff children/teen shouldn't do, profanity, self-harm, suicidal moments, cheating, sexual moments mentioned, violence, smoking, drugs, alcohol, guns mention, animal death, cringe, bullying, yandere, musical/singing moments and bad flirts.

Error/Moxxie speaking/speaking/singing


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Sallie working at IMP for a week now was interesting.

She was kind of like a mix of Millie and even Blitz. Yet, she was just very chilly. Then attacks. A brute strong force that was even to Millie. It was hard to tell sometimes who was the strongest out the two of them. They were both just equally good but with their differences as well.

Now Sallie had to get used to living in Pride for a few days. There was  big difference compared to here and Wrath that Sallie picked up. Already try to beat up like five sinners. A day at least. How sinners, along with certain hellborns treat her like the lowest of low. It was quite a lot to take in the first week when Sallie moves in. She knew there would be some changes but didn't expect this many kinds level of assholes. Even after already learning stories from others.

She won't admit it out loud but she is glad she is staying with her sister. Along with Moxxie even if they are down below.

But wasn't going to let the crap here in Pride push her away and go home yet. After all she just got here along with her new job at IMP. So, middle fingers to these assholes. Or a dagger in the forehead. Depends on their mood.

So, Blitz now has a great time with her. Like the other day didn't happen at all. Wash that out of his brain. Yes, he did. You know the whole about to fight behind a dumpster. No, he doesn't have a thing for any of the two. Even if he is trying to make things be normal again with Moxxie. Stolas, just well a random text check to see their fine. It was very slow on both sides.

Loona doesn't care.

Just annoyed now dealing with another employee. Basically, how she was already like before when they get new employee. It'll just take time. Plus, Sallie will shoot back at her like Millie would do sometimes. But with Millie it was different. A small little work bond after the whole team up to find Octavia. Sallie she not going to like in a snap even if their pair were chilled when they stayed over there.

Do you blame here? Look where this so-called trust did with Striker. Sure, didn't vocally say she like the dude. Then that vocal spat between the pair.  Bam looks with all the crap storm that happened because she had to get a shot. Also, she can't believe she didn't and that two of her co-workers were a thing. The only reason she knew now was because Blitz was getting drunk at that time coming back from the hospital.

May or may not have asked some advice from her new friends what to do. Didn't give out real names or the situation in general. Since this crap with Stolas being kidnapped might being going to higher ups. Plus, with how one of them is dating the Queen of Glutton herself. She just wanted to hear less bullshit from him. Along with possibly from Moxxie even if their mouth usually shut. The one thing they mention if the co-worker comes back is to not push it with them. When she asked why. Well, the question shot back was.

Will they hurt you?

Would have answered that question with a no. Along with will beat their ass if they try! But she had to stop herself by not sending it out quickly. Along with the attitude like when they told her to piss off. Then how quickly they put her down. The rare times she saw them shoot. Which lead to keeping her mouth shut with the whole relationship with Moxxie and Striker. Now, Blitz, Stolas. No, clue on that and won't asked. Doesn't even asked Octavia besides the short text between.

Error wanted rest! Not be a Imp...Oh well 2.0 VersionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant