The order of the Phoenix

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I had been staying at Sirius' house for a while. Severus tried to visit as often as he could. Turns out Sirius didn't know about mine and Sev's relationship but when he found out he was pissed to say the least but with the help of Remus we were able to convince Sirius to let Sev stay. Severus and I have been participating in some (cough) adult activities so I think that's also why Sirius keeps glaring at Sev every time we go upstairs together. I had also received a letter from Hagrid saying that Winter had passed away, I was so sad, Sev had to console me for weeks but she was an old dog.

Tonight is one of the nights when Sev stayed over, it was around 2:00 AM. I laid there in his arms thinking about our future together, now that Voldemort's back would we even have a future ? I think Sev could tell that I had spaced out because he whispered in his husky morning voice, "My love what's on your mind ? Have you slept ?" Damn he knew me too well to even try and lie so I didn't, "Not really, I'm just thinking about our future, if we even still have one together ?" Sev turned me over to face him since my back was facing him, "My love we will have a future together and I will do everything thing in my power to ensure we have a life together." He told me sternly. I smiled, how did I score a man like him ? I kissed him and he melted into the kiss which was filled with love and passion, I pulled away and stared into his black orbs which I found the most enticing thing in the world, "Thank you Sev." I said randomly, "For what ?" I pecked his lips again, "Everything. For protecting me and most importantly Harry. I know you think of him like a son. I hope that one day he'll see why you do all this." Sev sighed heavily, "Well whether he does or doesn't isn't important to me, all that matters is that the both of you are kept safe. Even if it means I have to sacrifice myself to achieve that." I frowned at his statement, I didn't like when he said things like that. "Severus how many times do I have to tell not to think like that. I couldn't live with myself if you weren't here." Severus sighed once more, " Let's not discuss the matter further. The important thing is I have you and you have me." He kissed my forehead before we both drifted off to sleep.

The next evening was when Harry was supposed to be coming over to Grimmauld place. The Weasley's and Hermione had already arrived during the day but apparently a problem had come up with Harry. He allegedly performed underage magic, more specifically, the patronus charm in the presence of a muggle but I knew Harry wouldn't do that unless it were a life-threatening situation. So some of the members of the order went to go fetch him, I'd offered to go with them but Sirius said that it was safer for me to stay. I sat in the dining room with Molly, Aurthor, Sirius and Remus discussing what to do about Voldemort, who was getting stronger by the minute. The others who'd went to go fetch Harry had walked into the cramped room too which means that Harry was back. I got up from my seat and pulled Tonks, one of the Aurors and a friend I had made, to the side, "How is he ?" I asked her in a hushed tone, Tonks was only a few years older than me and was actually at Hogwarts five years before I joined. Tonks gave me a soft smile, " Honey he's fine stop worrying. Besides you'll see him after the meeting." I sighed and nodded as Molly closed the door to the hallway. Before we were about to start the meeting a loud pop caught our attention. I looked behind me to see Sev striding towards the rest of the group, " I apologize for being late did I miss anything important ?" He asked as I quickly jumped into his arms, giving him a kiss, "No. In fact you're just on time." I replied as he kissed me. Our moment was interrupted by my lovely godfather, "Okay Snivellus, keep it in your pants. I don't want to see you fondling my goddaughter in front of me. Thank you very much."  I guided Sev towards my seat and he sat down and pulled me onto his lap.

After the meeting was over Sev decided that he would stay for dinner although much to Sirius' displeasure. Moody and Kingsley stayed too although Sirius didn't mind them staying, I walked to the doorway of the dining room seeing the Weasley's, Hermione and Harry walking down the stairs, "We'll be eating down in the kitchen tonight." Just then Fred and George apperated either side of her, giving her a fright, "Just because you're allowed to use magic now does not mean you have to whip your wands out for everything !" She scolded her sons as they ran away, Molly then turned her attention to Harry again, "Are you hungry Harry ?" She asked him sweetly as Aurthor joined her, "You sure you alright Harry ? You gave us quite a turn." "Harry Potter !" Sirius said from next to Sev and I. Mr and Mrs Weasley moved out the way for Harry to see us, as soon as he saw Sirius he rushed forward and embraced him, "Sirius !" He said happily closing his eyes in contentment while Sirius embraced him in a brotherly hug, "I may vomit." Sev drawled from beside me as I nudged him as he smirked, his eyes glancing at me for a mere minute. Harry opened his eyes and looked at Sev and I, his eyes lighting up as I looked at him, he pushed past Sirius and embraced me tightly as I hugged him back. Harry had definitely gotten taller over the summer his head was now up to my shoulder in height. He pulled back and smiled at me brightly, oh how I missed seeing that smile.

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