Sirius Black

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So, as usual, our summer wasn't the best and today we had aunt Marge coming over so it was even worse today, aunt Marge berated Harry and I more than all the Dursleys combined, my thoughts were interrupted by a violent knocking on the door, "Harry ! Harry open the door !" Aunt Petunia demanded, Harry did as he was told and grabbed the umbrella that Marge handed to him and went to great aunt Petunia, "Uncle Vernon, I need you to sign this form for me." Harry asked quietly, "What is it ?" "School stuff." "Later perhaps if you and your sister behave." "We will if she does." I said sternly, "Oh you two are still here are you ?" Marge asked in a disgusted tone, "Yes." Harry said cheekily, "Don't say yes in that ungrateful manner. Bloody good of my brother to keep you two. Would have been straight to an orphanage if they'd been dumped on my doorstep Vernon." She then proceeded to attack Dudley, who was busy watching television in kisses, "Take Marge's suitcases upstairs." Uncle Vernon instructed us, "Okay." We each grabbed a suitcase cases and put them upstairs. 'This is going to be a long night.' I thought

Harry and I went downstairs to help clean up and do the dishes and I was fighting the urge not to laugh at the dog drinking brandy, "What are you smirking at ?" Marge spate, I shook my head as if to say 'nothing'. "Where did you send the boy Vernon ?" Marge asked, "St Brutasis (idk if that's what he said 😭) it's a fine institution for a helpless cause." Vernon replied, "Do they use a cane at St Brutasis boy ?" Harry looked up as Vernon gave him a look, "Yeah, yeah I've been beaten loads of times." Harry said smugly making smile at my sassy little brother, "Excellent, I won't have wishy washy nonsense about not beating people who deserve it. You mustn't blame yourself for self for how these two turned out it's all to do with blood, bad blood will out.What is it their father did Petunia ?" "Nothing, he didn't work." "And a drunk too no doubt." "That's a lie !" Harry interjected, "What did you say boy ?" "Our dad wasn't a drunk !" The glass in Marge's hand shattered as aunt Petunia screeched, "It's ok Petunia, I have a very firm grip. You clean up." Marge demanded pointing at me as I cleaned the shattered glass, "Actually it's nothing to do with the father, it's all to the mother, you see it all the time with dogs, if there's something wrong with the bitch then there's something wrong with the pups." By this point I was fuming, not only was she insulting me and Harry, she was was also insulting our parents, "Shut up ! You can insult me but you will not insult my parents !" I shouted, Marge looked at me smugly, "Right, let me tell you-," before she could finish her sentence she looked at her finger that was now quite bloated and the rest of her round body seemed to be inflating slowly, soon she started floating out the kitchen, Harry and I knew that Vernon would never let us leave for Hogwarts now, unless we left ourselves. I tapped Harry's shoulder and motioned for him to follow me upstairs, "Britney what are we doing ?" "We're leaving. Get your trunk and your wand and meet me downstairs." "But what about the form ?" "Forget the form, maybe McGonagall will let me sign it ." I grabbed my trunk and went downstairs with Harry in suit. Vernon cornered Harry and I at the bottom of the stairs, "You bring her back ! You set her right !" "No she deserve what she got !" I yelled back equally as angry, Vernon came at us but I pointed my wand at him, "Keep away from us !" "Your not allowed to magic outside of school." "Oh yeah try me !" "They won't let you two go back now, you've nowhere to go !" "I don't care anywhere's better than here !" I grabbed Harry and made him go through the door first and then I followed as we walked down the street hearing Marge's screams, "That was pretty badass back there sis." "Thanks. Come on let's sit down." We sat down on the sidewalk and I couldn't help but notice something was off the wind started blowing harder and the seesaw in the park we sat by was moving as was the swings and the lights were flickering, I then heard a rustling in the bushes across the street from us Harry and I stood up and pulled out our wands and out came a black dog as it barked at us Harry fell over and we saw a bright light appeared and so did a triple decker bus, "Welcome to the knight bus. Emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard. My name is Stan and I will be your conductor for this evening." He then looked to Harry on the ground, "What you doing down there ?" "I fell over." "What you fell over for ?" "I didn't do it on purpose." "Well come on then let's not wait for the grass to grow." I looked behind the bus to see if the dog was still there but it had vanished, "What you looking at ?" Stan asked, "Nothing." I replied, "Well come on then in." I attempted to grab my  trunk but Stan was quick to stop me, "No, no I'll get this you get in." I obliged and stepped into the grand bus I went to go sit by Harry who was sitting on the bed by the driver. Stan then handed me a piece of paper and then knocked on the glass, "Take it away Earn." The driver the took off with out warning making Harry and I fall on the bed behind us, "What'd you say your names were again ?" Stan asked, "
We didn't." I replied, "Well where about are you two headed ?" "The Leaky Cauldron, that's in London." I told him, "But the muggles can't they see us  ?" Harry asked, "Muggles they don't see nothing do they ?" Just then the bus came to a stop and Harry went flying into the window making me burst out in laughter, "Harry you just got your first kiss !" I gasped out jokingly, "Oh shut up." The bus then started again making Harry fall back onto the bed he then noticed the man on Stan's paper, "Who is that ? That man." Stan looked at us like we were crazy, "Who is that ?! Who is-, that is Sirius Black that is. Don't tell me you've never been hearing of Sirius Black ?" Harry and I shook our heads no, "He's a murderer, got himself locked up in Azkaban for it." "How did he escape ?" Harry asked, "Well that's the question isn't it, he's the first one that done it. He was a big supporter of you-know-who. Recon you've heard of him." "Yeah him we've heard of." I said sourly. The bus stopped again making Harry into the window again causing me to giggle, "The Leaky Cauldron." Stan said gesturing to the door where a hunchback was standing, "Ah Mr and Miss Potter at last." He greet as Harry and I got off the bus.

We walked into Fudge's office and saw our owls, "Hedwig !" "Starfire !" Harry and I ran to pet our owls, "Right smart birds you got there, they arrived here just five minutes before yourselves." Someone cleared their throat as Tom made us sit down, "As the minister for magic it is my duty to inform you Mr and Miss Potter that your uncle's sister was located a little outside of Sherry. The accidental magic reversal department says that she has been properly punctured and her memory modified, she will have no recollection of the incident whatsoever so that's that and no harm done." Harry looked to Tom who had crushed some peanuts in the corner, "Pea soup ?" "No thank you, but minister ?" "Yes ?" "I don't understand." "Understand ?" "Well  Harry and I broke the law, underage wizards aren't allowed to do magic out side of school." "Oh come now Britney the ministry doesn't send people to Azkaban for blowing up their aunt. On the other hand running away like that given the state of things was very very irresponsible." "The state of things sir ?" "We have a killer on the loose." "But what does Sirius Black have to do with us." "Oh nothing of course ! You're both safe ! That's what matters ! Oh I took the liberty of getting all of your school books for both of you now Tom will show you to your rooms." Harry was forced up by Tom, "Hedwig." "Starfire." We call our owl and the landed on our outstretched arms, "And Harry, Britney while you two are here it'd be best if you didn't....wonder." . Tom showed us to our rooms but before I went to sleep I wanted to tell Harry about Sev and I, I knocked on his door, "Harry can I come in ?"  "Yes Brit." I walked in and sat down next to him on the bed, "Hey, I need to talk to you about something." "Sure shoot." "Okay so you how Snape and I are rather... close ?" "Yeah what about it ?" "Well don't freak out but... SeverusandIareactuallysoulmates !" "What !" Before I could explain Tom came in with a letter, "Miss Potter this is a letter from the minister. He said it rather urgent." "Thank you Tom." Once Tom left I opened letter and read it. It was a letter regarding Severus and I it said that once we got together we had 2-3 years to conceive children. My face paled, "Harry I think I'm going to go to bed." "Oh okay." I'll talk to you more in the morning." "Okay." I left Harry's room and went to my own and lay down on the bed as I drifted off to sleep.

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