Face to face

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I sat in charms thinking about nothing in particular, but I just had an gut wrenching feeling the whole day, I just had a feeling like something bad was going to happen soon I just wish I knew what it was, I had a free period after this maybe he could help ease my nerves, he was always good at that, he always has been. Soon class ended and I rushed down to Sev office and knocked on the door, "Come in." Sev replied nonchalantly, I opened the door and walked in, Sev must've noticed something was wrong, "Britney are you alright ? You look rather pale." Sev questioned with concern, "Yes I'm fine I'm just worried that's all." "Would you like to talk about it over some tea ?" "Please ?" He nodded and made us some tea and I told him about the feeling I had, "I just wish I knew why I have this feeling." "I've had that feeling before. It's frustrating." "More like infuriating." I sighed, "Thanks Sev I really needed this." "Your welcome my love." Sev said placing a hand on my knee. I grabbed the hand that was on my knee and we just stared at another, his eyes flickered to my lips for a split second, he was thinking the same thing I was, he then leaned in and kissed me, just then Harry burst through the door, "Britney can I talking to you ?" He said in a hurry as Sev and I separated, Harry eyed us,"Am I interrupting something ?" He asked, "No Harry, what do you want to talk about ?" "It's sort of private Brit." He said hinting that he'd rather discuss it alone, "Right, I'll see you later." I said turning to Sev, he nodded and kissed my cheek as a goodbye then I walked Harry to my room, "So what did you want to talk about ?" "Professor Trelawney said something concerning to me." "What do you mean ?" Harry told me the prophecy that's Trelawney said to him, "The one whose heart rots with murder shall break free and servant and master shall be reunited once more." Harry repeated, "When did she say this would happen again ?" I asked, "Tonight." "Okay we'll just have have to keep our guard up tonight." I said softly, really high.

The trio and I walked through the court yard we were making our way to Hagrid's hut, when we saw the executioner sharpening his blade, he gave us a sickly smile as we passed him, "I can't believe their going to kill Buckbeak, it's just too horrible." I said sourly, "It just got worse." Ron said as we saw Malfoy and his goons making fun of Buckbeak, this angered me even more, I stormed up to them, "Ah come to see the show ?" Malfoy taunted with amusement, "You ! You foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach !" I yelled at him as I pointed my wand at his neck, "Britney no ! It's not worth it !" Hermione intervened, i was still seething at the whimpering boy, nonetheless I lowered my wand and made it seem as though I was walking away when I turned around and punched the bratty boy right in the jaw, smirking as I watched him and his friends run away, "That felt good." I said, "Not good, brilliant." Ron cheered.

We walked down to Hagrid's hut and looked at the magnificent hippogriff sadly knowing this would be the last time that he saw the light of day, we knocked on Hagrid's door and he let us in, he looked at his hippogriff in sadness, "Oh look at him, loves the smell of the trees when the wind blows through 'em." "Why don't we just set him free ?" Harry suggested, "They'd now it was me, then Dumbledore would get into trouble. He's coming down Dumbledore, says he wants to be there when they....when it happens. Great man Dumbledore, great man." "We'll stay with you to Hagrid." Hermione said, "You do no such thing ! I don't want you seeing a thing like that ! It's best you four be off. Oh and before you do, Ron." Hagrid walked over to a tin and took a rat out of it, "Scabbers !" Ron exclaimed in happiness, "Keep a closer eye on your pets Ron." Hagrid instructed, "I think that means you owe someone an apology !" Hermione scolded, "Right, next time I see Crookshanks I'll let him know." "I meant me !" Suddenly a pot shattered, "What was that ?" I asked as Hermione picked up what seemed to be a rock as something hit Harry's head making him turn around, "Hagrid." "It's late, really late, if someone sees you outside the castle at this time of night you'll be in trouble, big trouble, particularly you two." Hagrid rambled pointing to Harry and I, a knock came from the door, "Just a minute !" Hagrid's showed us to the back door, I waited till Dumbledore and the others went inside and the trio and I hid behind some pumpkins, there was suddenly a snap behind us as Hermione turned around, "What ?" I asked her, "I thought I just saw.... Never mind." "Let's go !" Ron said as we ran up the hill looking back regrettably at Buckbeak once we stopped we saw the executor raise his blade as we awaited the fate of the poor animal, once he brought it down Hermione cried into Ron's shoulder as Harry hugged me tightly (no third wheeling for u today Hazza) Ron suddenly gasped as he dropped Scabbers, "He bit me ! Scabbers !" Ron chased after his rat as Harry, Hermione and I chased after him. He soon came to a stop under a tree, but it wasn't any tree, "Harry, you know what tree this is right ?" I said worriedly, "That's not good ! Ron ! Ron ! Move !" Ron looked towards us and his face drained of colour, "Harry and Britney run ! It's the grim !" The three of us turned to look behind us to see a large black dog that ran at us, "Duck !" I said as I pulled Harry and Hermione down while the dog jumped over us and grabbed Ron by his leg and dragged the screaming boy into the whomping willow as Harry lunged for his friend, "Ron ! Ron !" Hermione helped Harry up as we looked at the hole Ron was dragged into when we were suddenly thrown back by a branch, "Let's go !" I said as we ran towards the whomping willow, dodging violently swinging branches. We eventually made it into the hole, me being thrown by Hermione in first, the she and Harry followed as I helped them up and took in my surroundings, "Where do you suppose this goes ?" Hermione asked, "I have a hunch. I just hope I'm wrong." I replied as we walked blindly through the tunnel, hoping Ron was okay.

We wound up exactly where I thought we would, the Shrieking Shack, "We're in the shrieking shack, aren't we ?" Hermione asked, "Come on." Harry said as we heard Ron's screams again, we headed up the stairs when we came to a room where Ron was, still clutching onto his precious rat, "Ron are you alright where's the dog ?" I asked him, "Britney it's a trap he's a dog, he's an animagus !" Our eyes followed the trail of black marks on the ground to the now closed door, there stood a ragged looking Sirius Black, instinctively I pulled Hermione and Harry behind me, "If you want to kill my brother it'll be over my dead body !" I exclaimed bravely, "No only one will die tonight." Black said rather calmly, "Then it'll be you !" Harry exclaimed running past me and straight towards Sirius, "Harry !" He pointed his wand at Sirius who was now on the ground being held by Harry, "Are you going to kill me Harry ?" Sirius taunted with a chuckle, "Expelliarmus !" Remus said making Harry's wand fly out of his hand as he gestured for Harry to step aside. Harry came and stood next to Hermione, "Well, well looking rather ragged aren't we Sirius, finally the flesh reflects the madness within." "Well you'd all about the madness within wouldn't you Remus  ?" Remus lowered his wand and help Sirius up into a brotherly hug, "I found him." "I know." "Let's kill him !" They muttered to each other, "No ! I trusted you and all this time you've been his friend ! He's a werewolf, that's why he's been missing classes !" I exclaimed, "How long have you known Britney ?" Remus questioned, "Since Severus set the essay." "Well well Britney you really are one of the brightest witches I've ever met !" "Enough talk Remus ! Come on let's kill him !" Sirius interrupted, "Wait !" "I did my waiting ! 12 years of it ! In Azkaban !" Remus looked at us once more, "Very well kill him, but wait one more moment Harry and Britney have the right to know why." "We know why, you betrayed our parents ! You're the reason their dead !" Harry exclaimed, "No Harry, somebody did betray your parents but it was someone who, until quite recently, I believed to be dead !" Remus explained, "Who was it then ?" I asked, "Peter Pettigrew ! And he's in this room right now ! Come out come out Peter ! Come out, come out and play !" "Expelliarmus !"

Severus stood there seething at Sirius and Remus, "Ah vengeance is sweet, I'd hoped I'd be the one to catch you." Remus tried approaching Severus only to have Severus turn his wand to him, "I told Dumbledore you were helping an old friend into the castle and now here's the proof !" "Brilliant Snape once again you've put your keen and penetrating mind to the task and as usual come to the wrong conclusion. Now if you'll excuse us Remus and I have some unfinished business to attend to." At this Severus was angered even more, he pointed his wand at Sirius' neck , "Give me a reason ! I beg you !" "Severus don't be a fool." Remus intervened, "You don't get to say anything ! You dragged Britney into this !" "He can't help being a fool it's a habit by now Remus." Sirius joked, though it wasn't funny to me, "Sirius be quiet !" "Be quiet yourself Remus !" "Oh listen to you two, quarreling like an old married couple !" "Why don't you run along and play with your chemistry set !" Sev pushed his wand further into Sirius' neck, "I could do it you know, but why deny the dementors ? There so longing to see you, do I detect a flicker of fear? Oh yes the dementors kiss one can only imagine what that must be like to endure, it's said to be nearly unbearable to witness but I'll do my best !" "Severus please !" Remus begged, "Sev  !" I called to him as he looked at me his hardened expression softened, "Please, this is going too far." I begged him as he looked to the ground in shame suddenly Harry pointed what I assumed was Hermione's wand at Sev, "Harry wait !" "Expelliarmus !" Harry exclaimed sending Sev flying into the old, dusty bed, "Sev !" I ran forward to see if he was alright only to be held back by Sirius, "Please I need to see if he's alright." Sirius sighed and let me go, I ran over to Sev to see if he was okay, he seemed fine just knocked out, I had been drowning out what happened in the background so when I saw a man in the door I was utterly confused, the man, who looked more like a rat, turned to me, "Oh Britney ! Look at you ! You look so much like your mother, like Lily, she was one of my closest friends." Sirius rushed up to me and stood between me and the man, "How dare you speak to Britney ! How dare you talking about Lily in front of her  !" Sirius raged as he and Remus chased Peter around the piano, " You sold James and Lily to Voldemort didn't you ?!" Remus accused, "I didn't mean to ! The dark lord, you have no idea the weapons he possesses, ask yourself Sirius ! What would have done ? What would you have done ?" The rat cowered, "I would've died ! I would have died rather than betray my friends !" Peter crawled under the piano and tried to head for the door until Harry and I blocked, "Harry, Britney James wouldn't have wanted me to be killed ! Your dad, your dad would've spared me, he would've shown me mercy !" Sirius and Remus pulled the rat off Harry and I as I contemplated what he said, "You should've realized Peter that if Voldemort didn't kill you then we would ! Together !" "Wait !"

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