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Severus had gone off to make sure the students weren't having sex in the carriages while I went to see what Harry and Ron were up to, I saw them sitting with the Patil twins who didn't really look like they were enjoying themselves, a Bulgarian student offered one of the twins a dance making the other upset and causing her to leave the boys alone I walked up to them, "You two look like you're enjoying yourselves." I teased them, making Ron glare at me, " Gee okay, tough crowd." I sat down next to Harry, "What's wrong with him ?" "He's sulking." Ron sat up and looked at Harry, "I am not !" "Yes you are." I looked between the two confused, "What's he sulking about ?" Harry looked at me, "He's sulking because Hermione went with Krum." "Oh I see Ronald's got a little crush on Hermione." "I do not ! I'm simply just concerned for her. She's fraternizing with the enemy and he's too old !" "Say's the boy who asked Fleur Delecore out." I retorted "That's different !" "How's it different ?" "He's a guy, Fleur's a girl. Krum's using her to get to Harry." "Ron, Hermione can take care of herself." I spotted Hermione walking towards us, "Now if you'll excuse me I have to go before all hell breaks loose." I got from my seat and as I walked past Hermione I mouthed a, 'good luck' to her as I exited the great hall walking outside into the chilling winter air, I ignored the couple's making out in the carriages, deciding to leave them and let Sev burst their romantic bubble then I heard Karkaroff's voice from across the court yard making me hide behind a nearby pillar, "It's happening again ! Like before, soon you, nor anyone else will be able to deny it !" "I told you already Igor I see no reason to discuss it !" 'Sev ?' I peeked out from behind the pillar seeing Sev run towards carriage near me casting a spell to open its window revealing a fifth year student and Ravenclaw from my year, "Ten points from Hufflepuff Faucet and the same for Ravenclaw Steffens' !" Sev turned around about to check the other carriage but Igor blocked his way, "It's a sign Severus ! You know it is !" "I don't know what you're talking about." Sev dismissed stepping around Igor opening the door to the other carriage, "Really ? Then perhaps you won't mind rolling up your sleeve." As Igor was about to roll up Sev's sleeve Sev quickly pulled his arm away, "You don't fool me Severus ! Soon you won't be able to protect that little soulmate of yours ! You are scared ! Admit it !" "I have nothing to be scared of Igor. Can you say the same ?" Igor said nothing he just walked away giving me a chance to come out of my hiding place, I saw Sev walking away, "Sev !" He turned around instantly once he heard my voice, "Darling when did you come out of the hall ?" "A few minutes ago. Why ?" "No reason, I was just about to come and find you." He then seemed to remember that I was in a sleeveless dress, "Darling are you mad coming out here with out a coat ? You must be freezing." He wrapped his arm around me giving me some warmth as he walked me back into the hall, "I'm going to go to bed Sev, I'm getting a bit tired." "Okay I'll come with you." He walked me to our chambers and I soon fell asleep in the comfort of his arms.

The next day was a Saturday so I spent most of the morning Cedric to see if he had figured out the egg yet, "You mean to tell me you still haven't figured it out yet ?!" Cedric scolded me like he was my mother, "Yes, yes I know !" "You do realize that the task is in a few days, right ?" "No Ced I didn't know that !" I replied sarcastically, "Sorry, I just thought you would've figured it out already." "I know ! I should've been able to figure it out weeks ago and I have no clue where to even start !" I sighed burying my face in my hands, "Look, go to the prefects bathroom and just have a soak and just... try to relax a bit. Oh and bring the egg with you maybe you'll figure it out there." He said before walking away quickly, leaving me alone with my thoughts, 'Take the egg to the prefects bathroom ? That makes no sense !' I stared at the direction Cedric went in, 'This better work Cedric.' I walk away to mine and Sev's chambers, 'If I'm going to relax might as well have him there.' I then wrote Sev a note telling him to meet me in the prefects bathroom, I then grabbed the egg heading the the bathroom, "Pine-fresh." The painting swung open and I walked inside swiftly stripping myself of my clothes, I only left on my underwear since, I brought a dry pair as well I climbed into the warm water, which did relax me a bit, but the egg was still bugging me. I sat there for at least five minutes when I heard someone come in, I turned to see Severus walking, "You came ?" "Of course I ca-." His eyes landed on me and his cheeks flushed at the sight of me in my underwear, " Do I really speechless Sev ?" "You know bloody well you do." He walked to the edge of the tub leaning on it, "So why did you ask me to come here ?" "Well Cedric said I should relax and I thought what better way to do that than with the man I love the most." Not even two seconds later, Severus had stripped himself of his usual black robes and cloak till he was only left in his boxer's, I saw his death eater tattoo on his left forearm darker than it was the last time I saw it, but I did not stare at it in disgust or repulsion as most would, instead I stared at the scars around it in admiration, he had sacrificed so much to help me and my brother just so we could have a future, how could anyone not admire that kind of bravery ? Yes he may be a Slytherin, but he has the heart of a Gryffindor. He climbed into the warm and inviting water never once taking his eyes off of me, eventually he was fully in the water only his chest and head were above the water, as were mine, his eyes caught the golden egg glistening in the dim light, "Why'd you bring that ?" "I don't know, Ced said I should take it with. Can't imagine why. Unless it has something to do with water." I looked back at the egg quizzically, "Unless..." I separated myself for Sev and waded over to the egg, "Unless ?" "Unless I can't hear the clue above water." A look of realization washed over Sev's face as I dove under the water, opening the egg. An angelic song came from the egg, it was obviously from the mer-folk in the black lake but the song said that I would have an hour to look for something that they took, but what would they take and most importantly how in Merlin's name will I be able to hold my breath under water for an hour ? I resurfaced taking in a deep breath before looking at Sev, "Well ? What did it say ?" Sev asked urgently, "It said I have to look for something and to do that I have to be able to hold my breath for an hour underwater." I sighed exasperatedly, "Listen there might or might not be a page in your potions book that tells you how brew a potion that can let you breathe under water." "And how long would this alleged potion take to brew ?" "Hypothetically about a day." "Well then hypothetically I give you my thanks, Professor." I said seductively winking at Sev, "And you hypothetically are very welcome."

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