May i have this dance

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The next few weeks were filled with excitement, almost every girl in the school were giggly when their crush walked by hoping they would ask them to the ball, whereas most of the boys didn't seem to thrilled about the ball, but still excited about asking out the girls they liked. Today was the last day of class before the ball and best of all it was potions I sat next to George as we waited for Sev to start the lesson, "Silence. For today's lesson we will be learning how to make amortentia. Does anyone know what that is ?" I raised my hand, "Yes Miss Potter." "Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world. It smells different to each person according to what attracts them." "Five points to Gryffindor. Now I want each of you to find a partner and turn to page 248 of your books. There you will find the instructions and ingredients on how to brew amortentia. You may begin." Naturally I partnered up with George and we started to follow the instructions carefully. As I was stirring the potion cloak wise George suddenly spoke, "I wonder why Snape decided to teach us this so early ." I raised my eyebrow at him, "What do you mean ?" "Well we're not supposed to learn this until later in the year, but he decided to teach it to us earlier." "Maybe he just wants to be ahead with the work because of all the disruption with the tournament. I'll ask him after class though." We finished the potion and put it in a vial for Sev, "Class dismissed." Sev said coldly as the other students rushed out the class whereas I stayed, "So what made you decide to teach the potion so early in the year ?" "Well I just decided with the Yule ball that it would an appropriate subject to teach. Why do you ask ?" He replied as he snaked his arms around my waist, "Well I didn't think Severus Snape was one to be so eager as to teach a bunch of hormonal teenagers a love potion right before the Yule ball." I retorted, "Well that's not the only reason I wanted to teach it." "Oh ? What's the other reason ?" Sev walked over the potion vials and uncorked it giving it to me, "Tell me what you smell Britney." I cautiously sniffed the potion and immediately smelled black coffee, leather and fire , there was no denying the scent belonged to Severus, "I smell the oddly familiar scent of black coffee, leather and fire. I wonder who could be ?" I teased "Oh really well I wonder who could possibly smell like roses vanilla and rain ? It's a rather odd combination don't you think ?" "It is but there's no denying you're addicted to it my love." I taunted flirtatiously, "You're 100 % correct sweetheart." Sev whispered seductively in my ear sending shivers down my spine. He then kissed my neck making me feel euphoric, "Where did this side come from ?" I asked breathlessly, "I wish I knew darling." He said against my neck, "Well either way, I love it." I moaned slightly when he found my sweet spot and sucked on it, most likely leaving a hickey, "Britney ?" "Yes Sev ?" "Will you go to the ball with me ?" He whispered, if he wasn't so close I wouldn't have heard him, "Of course professor." I whispered in his ear.

I sat in the great hall next to Fred and George sitting across from the trio who, aside from Hermione, seemed to be doing no work, "Blimy at this rate we'll be the only ones in our year without dates !" I heard Ron whisper loudly before his head was pushed down harshly making me chuckle, "Well us and Neville." "Yeah but I suppose he'd go with himself." Ron and Harry mocked, "I'd like to inform you that Neville's already got a date." Hermione informed them, "Oh now I'm really depressed." Fred then passed a note to his little brother, "Who going with then ?" Ron asked, Fred winked and threw the paper at Angelina, he mouthed to her, 'Will you go to the ball with me ?'  To which she agreed making Fred wink at his brother a second time, "Well Hermione you're a girl." "Well spotted." "Come with one of us ?" Ron and Harry then got whacked by Sev's book, I stifled my laughter as Sev winked at me walking away, "I mean it's one thing for I guy to go alone. For a girl it's just sad." 'Well done Ron you just won the lottery to the afterlife.' I thought to myself, "I won't be going alone because believe it or not someone asked me !" She then stormed up from her seat walking to Sev to give him her book and walked back to grab her stuff, "And I said yes !" She hissed walking away angrily, "Listen we just have to grit our teeth and do it." I saw Sev roll his eyes from behind them pulling back his sleeves, "Tonight when we get to the common room we'll both have partners. Agreed ?" "Agreed." Sev pushed both their heads down making them grunt, I laughed quietly at them as they glared at me, "What you have to learn some how." I chuckled.

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