A new year

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Today was the day, Harry would finally join me at Hogwarts, I'd waited for this day for two whole years and it's finally here! Harry had, as expected, got his Hogwarts acceptance letter a few weeks ago so as treat I'm taking him to Diagon Ally to get his stuff.We got all his books first and the he went to get himself a wand while I went to get him a pet, as I walked through the shop, I couldn't seem to find  an animal that Harry would like, until a beautiful white owl with black spots caught my eyes, ' that's perfect for Harry.' I thought, I grabbed the cage and paid for the owl and went to find Harry. He came out from Ollivanders and walked up to me, "Hey Harry, I got something for you." I said holding up the owl, "Wow, thank you Brit, she's beautiful." We then left to go to the platform where we ran into the Weasley, "Fred, George!" I called to them, "Well, well, what do we have here Fred?" "It seems like Britney Potter in all her glory." They said jokingly. I explained to Harry how to get on to the platform and I went through after him, he seemed at awe by the massive train station, "Come on Harry, let's get onto the train." I told him. We got onto the train and found a compartment to sit in, it wasn't long until a small red haired boy (not doubt Fred and George's little brother) asked if he could sit with us. I decided it'd be best to let Harry make a few friends so went to find the twins. When I found we told each other about our summer and what we thought this year would bring, I was also very excited to see Severus again. I eventually left to change into my school robes, as I was walking back I heard a familiar voice, "Britney ?" The unmistakable voice said, I turned around and saw Severus, who I tackled in a hug, "It's so good to see you again,Sev." I said releasing him from the hug , "As is it to see you, going back to your compartment I presume ?" "Yeah, see you later?" "Definitely." He replied walking back to the teachers carriage.I walked back to the compartment, where Fred and George had smirks on there faces, "What ?" I asked them, "Oh nothing, so what's with you and Professor Dungeon Bat ?" Fred asked teasingly, "First of all don't call him that, second of all what are you guys talking about ?" "Oh don't play dumb with us." George piped up, "Yeah you're with him almost every day." "That's because I help him clean his office sometimes." I told them, which earned me a skeptical look from both of them, "Okay, whatever floats your boat." 

We finally arrived at Hogwarts and were waiting for the sorting to begin, I was wondering to see which house Harry would be in, regardless I'd love him no matter what, the sorting eventually started and Harry got sorted into Gryffindor which I was very happy about and I met Hermione and Ron who two of the people Harry met on the train. McGonagall tapped her glass with her fork , "Your attention please." Dumbledore stood up, "May the feast...begin." The food appeared on the tables and people started eating. Halfway through the feast, Harry tapped my arm, "Say Brit, who's that teacher talking to Professor Quirrell?" I looked to see that Harry was asking about Severus, "Oh that's Professor Snape, he's head of Slytherin house." I replied "What does he teach ?" "Potions, but really he fancies the dark arts, he's been after Quirrell's job for years."
Once the feast was over we all headed back to our common rooms, but luckily I'd registered myself for a private dorm.

" Once the feast was over we all headed back to our common rooms, but luckily I'd registered myself for a private dorm

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I opened my door and was instantly met by my favorite dog, "Hey girl, I missed you too." I'd made deal with Hagrid that Winter would stay at Hogwarts each summer and he'd look after her for me, which was really sweet of him, I stroked Starfire and went to bed.

The Chosen ones sister Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora