She has been petrified

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Several weeks had passed since the snake incident the holidays came and went and everywhere Harry and I went, people looked at us like we had just murdered their puppy. I did not like all this attention, good or bad, at one point at the start of the holidays, Hermione was polyjuiced into a humanoid cat thing and Harry found a book a that belonged to a person named ' Tom Riddle', whoever that is. I visited Sev more often than ever, especially since half his house thinks that Harry and I are the heirs of Slytherin and Sev was very supportive during all this and I appreciate that that he was so supportive to me. Today we had a quidditch match against Hufflepuff and as usual Wood was going over our game strategy, " Alright listen up, we play our game Hufflepuff doesn't stand a chance, we're stronger, faster and smarter ." "Not to mention that they're dead scared that Harry and Britney will petrify them if they fly anywhere near them." "Well that too." We walked out towards the entrance of the quidditch pitch only to be met by Professor McGonagall, "This match has been canceled !" McGonagall announced, "You can't cancel quidditch." Wood protested , "Silence wood, u and ur teammates will go to Gryffindor tower now. Uh Potters, you two will come with me to find Mr Weasley, there's something you all nee to see." We found Ron wandering around trying to know why the match had been canceled, we told him to come with us and the three of us followed McGonagall to the hospital wing, "I warn you this could be a wee bit of a shock." McGonagall warned as she led us to a hospital bed which held a petrified Hermione, "Mione." I said softly, "She was found near the library with this," she showed us a mirror, "Does it mean anything to you three." We shook our heads as Harry grabbed Hermione's raised hand, which I assume she was using to hold the mirror, but why ?

I was standing with Ron and Harry in the Gryffindor common room a long with the other Gryffindors waiting to hear the new regulations that will be put in place soon McGonagall entered the room, "Could I have your attention please ? Because of recent events, these new rules will be put into effect immediately. All students will return to their house common room by 6 'o clock every evening. All students will be escorted to each lesson by a teacher, no exceptions. I should tell you this, unless the culprit behind these attacks is caught, it is likely the school will be closed." McGonagall left and there was a deadly silence in the room, Harry turned to Ron, "We've got to talk to Hagrid, if he did set the monster loose last time, that means he knows how to get into the chamber of secrets." "Harry, what are you talking about. I asked you not to meddle in things that don't concern you this year !" "I know Brit, but please let met help Hermione, let me help Dumbledore."I sighed, "Fine but I'm going with you." "What ?!" Harry and Ron asked simultaneously, "You're right I can't stop you from helping the school, but the least I can do is make sure you're safe, all three of you. So from now on I want you to tell me when you're going after someone. Promise ?" "Promise." I smiled and hugged my little brother, "Uh not to ruin this sibling bonding moment, but how are we going get out of the tower, we're not allowed to leave it except for class." Harry thought for a moment, "I think it's time to get my dad's old cloak out again."

That night we put on the cloak and head over to Hagrid's hut, I knocked on the door and waited for Hagrid to open, once he did we saw he had a cross bow with him, so we took off the cloak, "What's that for ?" Harry asked, "Oh nothing I just expecting... it doesn't matter, come on in, just made a bat of tea." We walked in as Hagrid poured us some tea, though I noticed he was a bit shaky, "Hagrid are you alright ?" "Just fine, I'm alright ." "Did you hear about Hermione ?" Harry asked "Oh yeah I heard about that alright." "Look we have to ask you something." I said as I looked to Harry to continue, "Do you know who's opened the chamber of secrets ?" Harry finished, Hagrid looked down, "Now what you have to understand about that is -," the was a knock on the door, "Quick under the cloak." Hagrid told us. Hagrid opened the door to reveal Professor Dumbledore and Cornilis Fudge, the minister of magic, "That's my dad's boss, Cornilis Fudge, the minister of magic." Ron told us quietly, "Bad business Hagrid, very bad business, had to come, three attacks on muggle-borns, things have gone far enough, the ministry's got to act." "Well I'd never-, you'd know I'd never Professor." Hagrid protested, "I want it understood Cornilis, that Hagrid has my full confidence-," "Albus, look Hagrid record is against him, I've got to take him." "Take me ? Take where ? Not Azkaban prison !" Hagrid protested, "I'm afraid we have no choice Hagrid." The door was opened and behind it was the one and only, Lucius Malfoy, "Ah already here Fudge ? Good." "What are you doing here !? Get out of my house !" Hagrid yelled in anger, "Believe me , I take absolutely no pleasure being inside call this a house ?" Lucius muttered in disgust, "No, I simply called up the school and the told me the headmaster was here." Lucius explained, "Amd what exactly is it that you..want with me ?" "I other governors and I have decided it's time for you to step aside," Lucius held up a scroll with red ribbon on it, "This is an order of suspension, you'll find all twelve signatures on it. I'm afraid we feel you've rather...lost your touch. What with all these attacks, there'll be no muggle-borns left at Hogwarts, I could only imagine what an awful loss that would be to the school." Lucius smirked as Dumbledore read the scroll, "You can't take Professor Dumbledore away ! Take him away and the muggle-borns won't stand a chance ! Mark my words there'll be killings next !" Hagrid protested for third time this evening, "You think so ?" Lucius mocked, "Calm yourself Hagrid, if the governors desire my removal, I will of course step aside. However, you will find that help will always be given at Hogwarts, to those you ask for it." Dumbledore said, seemingly looking right at us. As the men started to leave Hagrid said, "If anyone was looking for something, then all they will need to do is follow the spiders, yep that'll set 'em right." He and the minister then left the hut as the boys and I threw off the cloak, "Hagrid's right with Dumbledore gone there'll be an attack a day !" Ron said worriedly "Look ." Harry said looking at the spiders crawling out the window, "Come on boys ." I said to them as I led them outside, the spiders were heading into the dark forest, "Come on." Harry said, "What ?" Squeaked Ron, "You heard Hagrid, follow the spiders." I explained "They're heading into the dark forest !"  Harry and I ignored him and started walking towards the forest, "Why spiders, why couldn't it be follow the butterflies ?" Ron muttered.

The three of us and Fang kept following the trail of spiders, which seemed to be getting wider the further we went, deeper into the misty, eerie forest. The further we walked the more howls and noises we heard, I made sure the two boys walked in front of me so I could see them at all times, as we continued walking more and more spiders seemed to appear, "Guys I don't like this ! Guys I don't like this at all !" Ron squeaked, "Shush." Harry dismissed him, he held the light up to see the spiders, some were crawling on a log, while the rest were crawling on the ground, "Can we go back now ?" Ron asked in a trembling voice, I didn't blame though, I also didn't like this, "Come on." Harry walked ahead, "Go on Ron I'll be right behind you." I have him a reassuring smile as he walked forward. We walked through a small tunnel until we came to a large clearing , we walked towards what seemed to be a large spiders nest, "Who is it ?" A deep voice asked, I pulled Harry and Ron back a bit when rustling, "Hagrid, is that you ?" "We're friends of Hagrid's."I explained as huge acromantula spider appeared, "You're Aragog aren't you ?" Harry asked Yes, Hagrid has never sent men into our hallow before." "He's in trouble, up at the school there have been attacks, they think it's Hagrid. They think he opened the chamber of secrets. Like before." "That's a lie ! Hagrid never opened the chamber !" The spider confirmed, "Then you're not the monster ." I said, "No the monster was born the castle. I came to Hagrid in the pocket of a traveler." "Harry !" Ron squeaked, "Shush." Harry dismissed, though I could see that didn't help Ron's nerves, "But if you're not the monster then what did kill that girl 50 years ago ?" Harry asked " We do not speak of it ! It is ancient being we spiders fear above all others." "But have you seen it ?" I asked "I never saw any part of the castle but the box in which Hagrid kept me. The girl was discovered in a bathroom. When I was accused Hagrid brought me here." "Harry, Britney !" "What !?" Harry said as Ron pointed a trembling finger in the air, Harry and I both looked up and saw that smaller acromantula's were coming down from above, "Well thank you, we'll just go now." I said fearfully, "Go ?" Ron nodded, "I think not, my children wouldn't harm Hagrid on my command, but I cannot deny them fresh meat when it wonders so willingly into our midst's . Goodbye friends of Hagrid's." By this time we were surrounded by spiders, "Know any spells ?" Ron asked "I know one or two but it won't be enough for all of them." I said as a spider tried to jump at me, "Incendio !" I blasted the spider back with flames, "Cool." Ron awed just then a bright light appeared, it was the flying car, "You guys get in, I'll hold them off, but this time I'm driving !" I said as the two hurriedly opened the car, " Ventus !" I yelled as a large gust a wind came from my wand giving me just enough time to in the car and drive away. As I was driving there was one spider still on the car that was knocked off when we went over a hill, "Glad we're out of there !" Ron cheered but his happiness was short-lived as a spider grabbed by the neck while Harry and I screamed, Harry then got out his wand and aimed it at the spider, "Arania exumai !" The spider was blasted back by light as Ron steadied his breathing, "Thanks for that." "Don't mention it." Just then a lot of spiders appeared in our view , "Britney, drive !"  I turn the car around and floored it, but the spiders were very fast , "Get us in the air !" Harry said asi pulled on the flying gear, but it wouldn't budge, "The gear's jammed !" Harry and Ron helped get the gear unstuck and I was able to get us in the before we crashed into to the spiders in front of us. I was able to land the car safely by Hagrid's hut and we all climbed out of the car, "Follow the spiders ! Follow the spiders ! If Hagrid ever gets out of Azkaban I'll kill him !" We then looked towards the car which was driving back into the forest, "I mean what was the point of sending us in there ? What have we found out ?" "We know one thing, Hagrid never opened the chamber of secrets, he was innocent."

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