Mystery man

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We landed on the hard ground of the Hogwarts arena, the crowd cheered loudly as the band started playing their song again. Both Harry and I were getting over the shock of what just conspired. Harry was crying over Cedric's body as I tried to gather myself, which seemed almost impossible, I only noticed that Dumbledore had rushed over to us after he attempted to pull Harry off Cedric's body. Harry refused to get off Cedric, still crying exasperatedly, "He's back  ! Voldemort's back ! Cedric ! He asked me to bring his body back ! I couldn't leave him not there !" Harry cried as I continued to hold him tightly as a form of comfort, "It's alright Harry. It's alright. He's home you all are." Dumbledore said trying to convince Harry that we were safe. I tried to stand up while Fudge told the staff to keep everyone in their seats although I fell back down  but a pair of strong arms caught me I could hit the ground, it was Severus, be made me sat back down on the ground as he stood in front of me and examined my face for any serious injuries, "Darling are you okay ?" He asked worriedly, "F-fine." I managed to croak out though I still felt dazed, "Did...did he hurt you ?" Sev asked sounded both worried and angry, I shook my head, feeling as though I would vomit if I tried to speak again. Sev wrapped his arms around me tightly making me calm down a bit more, I wasn't really paying attention to what was going on around me, all I hear was screaming and crying from both Harry and Amos Diggory, I didn't notice Harry being pulled away by Moody. A lot of people who knew Cedric were crying, his friends, Cho, his dad of course and a few others too. Dumbledore then sent all the students back to their dormitories, aside from me, and some healers from St. Mungo's hospital came and took Cedric's body away as well as Cedric's dad, who was still wailing loudly. Dumbledore and Minerva walked up to me, "Miss Potter can you tell us what happened ?" Dumbledore asked, Sev still had his arm around me protectively, he had given his cloak to Cedric before the healers took him away which I thought was sweet, but after that he came back to me and hasn't let me out of his hold since, "The cup was bewitched, so was Victor. Someone had bewitched both of them, when we grabbed the cup it took us to a graveyard, where Wormtail were waiting. They used Harry's blood to bring him back." Minerva covered her mouth as she gasped in shock at what I just told them, Sev's grip tightened around my shoulder but not so much that he was hurting me, I then noticed that Harry was no where to be seen, "Where's Harry ?" I ask the three, they also seemed like they hadn't noticed Harry wasn't with us, "Where's my brother ?" I demanded getting worried, "I think I saw Alister taking him back to the castle." Minerva said.

The four of us then headed back to the castle and up to Moody's office, Dumbledore signaled us to stop once we reached the closed door, we could her soft murmur's but I couldn't ever so slightly make out what was being said, "Imagine how he will reward when I finds out I have once and for all silenced the great Harry Potter !' I'd heard enough to know that that slimy little alcoholic wasn't laying a spell on my brother I aimed my wand at the door, "Expelliarmus !" I door blasted open and my spell also knocked Moody back into his seat, Dumbledore, Minerva and Severus rushed towards Moody while I made sure Harry was alright, "You okay ?" I asked him, "I'm fine Brit, thanks to you." We then turned our attention to the others, "Are you Alister Moody ?" Dumbledore asked who I thought was Moody, "No." The imposter replied, " Is he in this room ?!" Dumbledore demanded as the man looked at the chest behind Harry and I, "Harry, Britney get away from there !" Dumbledore ordered us, we stood behind the adults as Sev opened the chest, once it opened  the five of us walked towards it cautiously. We peered inside and saw the real Moody, "You alright Alister ?" "I'm sorry Albus !" "We'll get you up in a minute !" Dumbledore shouted down to Moody, "If that's Moody then who's..." Harry trailed off glancing at the imposter, Severus sniffed the flask that the fake moody always used, "Polyjuice potion." Sev stated blandly, "Now we know who's been stealing from your stores Severus." I said to Sev almost teasingly, making him glance at Harry as if to say 'I'm not apologizing'. We then heard the fake moody grunting and groaning as he tore out his fake eyeball making him scream, he wreathed for a few more minutes before completely transforming back to his true self, Harry crouched down to see the man's face, but  the man tried to attack him making me pull him as Dumbledore and Severus pushed him back into the chair, "Barty Crouch jr !" Dumbledore said in shock, "I'll show you mine if you show me yours." Crouch said pulling up his sleeve revealing the dark mark which seemed darker than ever, "You're arm Harry." Dumbledore said as grabbed Harry's arm, revealing the cut from the knife that Wormtail used, "You know what this means right ? He's back. Lord Voldemort has returned." Barty said proudly, " Send him now to Azkaban, I think they'll find their missing prisoner." Dumbledore said as he and walked away with Harry, "I'll be welcomed back like a hero !" Barty said proudly, "Perhaps. Personally I never had much time for hero's." Dumbledore said walking out the door, Minerva waited by the door for me but I stood there not wanting to leave Sev, "Go." He whispered still pointing his wand at Barty as I reluctantly followed Minerva out the room.

The following morning Dumbledore held a memorial for Cedric in the great hall, all the students and staff were required to be there, I sat next to Sev in the procession as Dumbledore started his speech, "Today we acknowledge a really terrible loss. Cedric Diggory, as you all know, was exceptionally hardworking, infinitely fair minded and most importantly a fierce, fierce friend. Now therefore I think you have the right to know exactly how he died !" A single tear ran down my cheek, which Sev must've noticed as he grabbed my hand that rested on my thigh, giving it a comforting squeeze, "You see Cedric Diggory was murdered ! By lord Voldemort ! Now the ministry does not wish me to tell you this. But not to do so I think would be an insult to his memory. Now the pain we all feel of his dreadful loss reminds me, reminds us, while we may come from different places and speak in different tongues, our hearts beat as one. In light of recent events the bonds we made this year will be more important than ever, remember that. Cedric Diggory will not have died in vein, you remember that ! And we will celebrate a boy who was kind and honest and brave and true right to the very end."

I was packing my trunk preparing myself for more of their hell treatment as I felt strong arms wrap around my waist Sev kissed the top of my head making me smile, "I'm going to miss you." I said softly as I heard him sigh, "Love I have a proposal and you don't have to agree it's merely a suggestion." I raised my eyebrow, "Go on ?" I replied expectantly, "Since Voldemort is back, the Order is going to be having a lot more meetings at Sirius' old house and I was thinking maybe you could stay there for the holidays again you don't have to it's just a suggestion." I thought about it for a minute, he did have a point, "Okay I will." I replied, "You will ?" Sev repeated unsurely, "Yes you have a point it will be easier to stay there than to try and travel there every day and besides it gives me time to catch up with Sirius." Severus smiled, "Excellent oh and love, Harry can't stay the whole holiday there maybe a few days closer to when you come back to Hogwarts but that's it." Sev said sternly, "Why ?" "Because Dumbledore thinks that if he knows about the Order he might want to join and we don't think he's ready." "I joined when I was his age ." "Yes but that was under different circumstances and we had time to train you. We don't have enough time to train him now." I nodded my head in understanding, "Promise me one thing though." "Anything love." "When you come over for a meeting promise you'll try and stay the night." "I'll try." I hugged him tightly enjoying his warm embrace, "I'm scared Sev." "So am I darling. So am I."

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