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"Why do you want me to your so called Dark Lady ?!" "I could simply kill you like I'm going to kill your brother, but I sense your power is far greater than his. Besides it's a win-win, I would a beautiful, powerful queen to rule at my side and give me heirs and you would get all the power in the wizarding world. Think about it, we could rule the wizarding world and the muggle world, you would never have to deal with your aunt and uncle . What do you say ?" At this point I was overwhelmed while worry, Harry could most likely be dead , Voldemort wanted me to be his wife and most likely wasn't going to take no for an answer, I then started to have a burning feeling inside my stomach and could feel my body morphing into something else, I looked at my auto see white fur growing on it and my nails formed into claws, "What's happening to me ?!" "I-I don't know." Tom stuttered by this point I was in the ground in pain until it suddenly stopped. I looked down, my hands were now paws covered in snow white fur and I now had a tail, I think I changed into a wolf I looked over to the water and looked at my reflection, yep I was definitely a wolf.

Tom looked at me in awe, "How fascinating

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Tom looked at me in awe, "How fascinating." He said when Harry ran back in and knelt next to Ginny's unconscious body, "Yes potter, the process is nearly complete, in a few moments Ginny Weasley will be dead and I will cease to be a memory. Lord Voldemort will return, very much alive I concentrated hard and was able to change back into my human self and luckily I had my clothes on too, I got up and attempted to walk towards Ginny and Harry back I couldn't, 'right binding charm.' I thought to myself, "Ginny ?" Harry said softly, unfortunately the moment was ruined by the basilisk which had emerged aggressively from the water. Harry ran and grabbed the sword which had appeared in the sorting hat then started climbing the statue of Slytherin, he swung the sword at the basilisk a few times and almost lost the sword when he fell but was able to grab it just in time to stick it through the roof of the basilisk's mouth making it almost yelled in pain before it fell to the floor, dead. Harry climbed off the statue and made his way over to Ginny, but he seemed almost weakened, "Remarkable isn't it ? How quickly the venoms of the basilisk penetrates the body. I guess you have less then a few minutes to live, you'll be with your dear Mudblood mother soon Harry." Harry grabbed Ginny's pale hand, "Funny, the damage a silly little book can do, especially in the hands of a silly little girl !" Harry the took the diary from Ginny and opened it, "What are you doing ?!" Tom asked aggressively, Harry raised the bloody basilisk fang, "No stop !" Harry impaled the book with the fang, causing ink to spill from the pages and a hole of bright light to appear in Tom's chest, Harry stabbed the other page of  the book making the hole of light to appear in Tom's face, Harry closed the book the stabbed the cover making Tom completely vanish. I tested to if I could move feet and when I saw I could I ran towards Harry and Ginny, who had woken up, "Harry, Ginny are you two okay." "Britney, I swear i didn't mean to, Riddle made me and-, Harry you're hurt  !" "Don't worry Ginny, you need to get yourself out, go with Britney and follow the chamber and you'll find Ron." "Harry I'm not leaving you here, even if I have to care you out myself !" I protested, we heard the majestic squawking and saw Fawks who landed next to Harry, "You were brilliant Fawks, I just wasn't quick enough." The bird started to cry on Harry's wound, which healed it, "Of course ! I forgot, Phoenix tears have healing powers, thanks Fawks, I'd hug you if you weren't a bird." I thanked the bird, making Ginny and Harry giggle. We got out of the chamber and found Lockheart and Ron and Fawks flew us out of the chamber, "Amazing ! This is just like magic !" Lockheart yelled as I rolled my eyes.

Ron, Harry and I stood in front of Dumbledore's desk awaiting our punishment, "You all realize that in the past few hours you have broken perhaps a dozen school rules !" "Yes sir." The three of us mumbled simultaneously, "You have given us sufficient evidence to have you three expelled !" "Yes sir." We mumbled again, "Therefore it is only fitting that you three receive....special awards for services to the school." The three of us smiled at the elderly man, "Thanks sir." Ron said, "Now Mr Weasley if you would have an owl deliver these release papers to Azkaban. I believe we want our games keeper back." Ron left and I walked up to Professor Dumbledore, "Sir ? May I go speak to Professor Snape about something ? It's rather important." Dumbledore smiled and nodded as I walked out of the office and down to the dungeons, I reached Sev's office and knocked on the door, "Enter !" He replied sternly, I opened the door and went in, "Hey Sev." His head shot up , "Britney, thank goodness you're alright !"
He said as he engulfed me in a tight hug, "Sev, I have to ask you something, two things actually." "Of course." He made me sit down on a chair, "In the chamber I sort of...changed." "How do you mean ?" "I morphed into an arctic wolf." "Do you think you can show me ?" I nodded and stood up and morphed into my wolf form then morphed back, "Interesting I'll have to find out more about that and what was the other thing ?" "Well in the chamber before I changed Riddle asked me to be his 'Dark Lady', he wants me to rule the wizarding world with him. What do I do ?" The look on Sev's face changed into one of concern, " I'll have to ask Dumbledore. But for now let's be happy that you're safe."

That night at the feast I sat next to Fred and George as I filled them in the what happened in the chamber, "Hey Brit, it's Hermione." Fred said pointing towards the door, once I saw her I ran and gave her a big hug after her and Ron's awkward hand shake, "Congratulations, I can't believe you sold it !" Hermione cheered , "Well we have loads of help from you." I praised her just then McGonagall tapped her glass to get our attention as Dumbledore stood up to make an announcement, "Before we begin the feast let us have a round of applause for Professor Sprout and Madam Pomfrey, whose mandrake draft had successfully administered to all who had been petrified." The students and staff all clapped for the and once the clapping died down Dumbledore spoke again, " Also in light of recent events, as a school treat, all exams have been canceled !" At this the students cheered even louder and I saw Sev casting a sour look at Dumbledore and I chuckled. A few moments later the doors opened making everyone turn to look who it was, "Sorry I'm late." Hagrid said, "The owl that delivered my release papers got all lost and confused. Some ruddy bird named Errol." Hagrid stopped by the trio, "I'd just like to say that if it hadn't been for you Harry, Ron , Britney and Hermione of course I'd still be you know where. So I'd just like to say, thanks !" Harry stood up and looked at Hagrid with admiration, "There's no Hogwarts without you Hagrid." And before we knew it the entire great hall( except for some Slytherins) was cheering and clapping.

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