The nightmare

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A man sat in house as he lit the stove with a match and put the kettle on to boil, he looked out his kitchen window and saw a light on in the Riddle manor, "Bloody kids !" He muttered. He walked towards the majestic, old house with limp, he reached the back door and opened it with the key he grabbed before he left his house, he entered the dusty manor and saw that the light seemed to becoming from upstairs so, naturally, he walked up the rickety, old stairs, but little did he know that that would be the worst and last mistake of his life. As he neared the room where the light was coming from, he heard unfamiliar voices, they were too deep and mature to belong to children so who could they have belonged to ? He finally reached the room but did not enter as he saw a scruffy man standing in the room and he seemed to be talking to someone who sat in the arm chair, "Perhaps if we were to do it without the boy ?" "No ! The boy is everything, as is the girl but no one is to harm her ! Do you understand ?"The raspy voice ordered as another man crouched in front of the arm chair, "I won't disappoint you master." He said, "Good we must gather our own forces..." the raspy voice continued to talk but the elder man was not listening as he noticed as large python slithering against his foot and into the room that he was standing mere inches away from. The snake crawled up the arm chair and hissing some sort of made up language, "Nagini tells me that the old muggle caretaker is standing just outside the door." The old man suddenly saw the scruffier man in the doorway giving him a sickly smile, "Step aside Wormtail so I can give our guest a proper greeting ! AVADA KADAVRA !" The last thing the man saw was a flash of green light as he screamed, but it was difficult to hear over the boiling kettle's whistle.

I suddenly woke up with fright, the lightening shaped scar on my neck burning like hell, "Britney ! Come on Brit come down stairs breakfast is ready !" Fred said I looked around and saw them standing in the doorway, "Do you boys not have any respect for privacy ?" I asked sarcastically, "Nope. Now go on get dressed, like Fred said breakfast is ready and also there's someone downstairs who wants to see you." The said as they left the room, 'who'd want to see me at this time of the morning ?' I wondered as I brushed my teeth and hear while I got dressed.

Once I was dressed I went downstairs and I saw majority of the Weasleys as well as Hermione were up, the only ones that didn't seem to be up were Harry and Ron, as my eyes scanned the kitchen I noticed someone who wasn't supposed to be there,  it ...

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Once I was dressed I went downstairs and I saw majority of the Weasleys as well as Hermione were up, the only ones that didn't seem to be up were Harry and Ron, as my eyes scanned the kitchen I noticed someone who wasn't supposed to be there, it was Sev ! "Sev !" I said as I ran into his arms, he turned around in surprise as he caught me, "It's good to see you too Brit." He replied with a chuckle but his happiness was short lived as he getting weird looks from the Weasley's as well as Hermione,  he cleared his throat as I turned to the six gob-smacked people, "Right I forgot to tell you all. Severus and I are soulmates." All their eyes went as wide as saucers, George was first to snap out of his shocked state, "Ha ! I knew it ! Fred you owe me ten sickels !" I looked at him in confusion, "What ?" You see we made a bet, Fred said that by the end of our time in Hogwarts you were going to get with Lee while I said that you were going to get with Snape and guess what : I was right !" I chuckled at his ridiculous bet, "Oh congratulations you two!" Molly said as she pulled me into a motherly hug, "Thanks Mrs Weasley. So Severus, what do you need ?" "Well Dumbledore wanted me to give you this." He said handing me an envelope with a hint of pride in his eyes, I opened the letter and read it, it said I had been chosen for quidditch captain, I looked at Sev in disbelief, "I was chosen for quidditch captain ?" He nodded proudly, "Wow congrats Brit !" Fred cheered, "And next year you might be chosen for head girl." Sev commented, "Really ?" I confirmed, "Yes, Dumbledore's quite convinced that you can handle the responsibility, after all you are the youngest person ever to join the order." "The what ?" Ginny asked, "Nothing !" Sev and I said simultaneously, suddenly Ron and Harry came downstairs, "Well, well look whose finally awake." I said jokingly, "I should get going, I'll see you back Hogwarts." "Okay." I gave him a kiss, "Love you." "Love you too he replied as he apperated away, "What was that all about ?" Ron asked in shock, "Professor Snape and Britney are soulmates Ronald, you would've known that had you woken up when I told you." Hermione scolded, "Come on we better hurry, Amos will be waiting for us Mr Weasley rushed.

"Aurthor ! It's about time son !" Amos greeted as Mr Weasley led us through a forest, "Sorry Amos. Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start." Mr Weasley apologized looking back at Ron and Harry, "This is Amos Diggory everyone, works with me at the ministry." Aurthor explained as a boy who looked about my age jumped down from a tree, "This strapping young lad must be Cedric am I right?" Aurthor asked Amos as he nodded, I noticed Cedric looking at me so I walked up to him, "Hi I'm Britney, Britney Potter." I stuck out my hand for him to shake, "Cedric Diggory." He introduced as he shook my hand, "So you're the person my friends were so anxious to meet." "Who are your friends ?" "Them." I gestured to Fred and George who were already looking at us, I laughed and followed Mr Weasley. We climbed a grassy hill towards an old boot, "Okay everyone in a circle." Amos instructed, "Why's everyone standing around that manky old boot ?" I heard Harry ask, "That's not just any old boot mate." "It's a portky." Fred and George replied as Amos started counting down, "1, 2" "Harry !" I said to him as grabbed the boot, "3 !" We spun around in a circle making us dizzy, "Let go kids" Aurthor instructed us, "What ?" Hermione screamed, "Let go !" We did as he told us and before we knew it we landed on the ground, "I bet that cleared your sinuses ey." Mr Weasley said cheerfully as he, Amos and Cedric landed calmly on the ground, we got up and followed Mr Weasley up the hill, once we reached the top we saw an array tents that stretched on for miles, "Well kids, welcome to the quidditch World Cup." Aurthor said excitedly. We walked between the tents and people as we listened to the Irish music that played, a lot people seemed that they were rooting for Bulgaria since they were wearing red and black, we soon bid Amos and Cedric a goodbye as we made our way to our to own tent which seemed rather small on the outside, "Home, sweet home ." Aurthor said as he pulled aside the 'door' for us to enter, once we did I realized it was a lot bigger on the inside of the tent, "I love magic." I heard Harry mutter.

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