Dance lessons

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Harry and I stood in the tent with the other champions as, we all prepared ourselves mentally to face the dragons that we would have to battle, I saw Cedric looking just as anxious as I felt and he had a fair amount of spells at his hand that would be useful, whereas Harry and I didn't, but I still couldn't help but feel sympathetic towards him, I walked towards him, "Hey you'll do great out there. You've got nothing to worry about." He looked at me with admiration, "You really think so ?" "Definitely, you're a great wizard Ced." "Thanks. Y'know you're an excellent witch too." "Thanks." I chuckled, a flash of blinding light then caught our attention, "Young love ! How...stirring." Rita Skeeter said as she walked passed Cedric and over to Hermione and Harry, "If anything goes unfortunately today, you two may even make the front page !" She exclaimed with amusement, "You have no business here ! This tent is for champions and friends." Krum intervened, Skeeter turned to him and said something that I couldn't quite hear and walked away but not before the photographer took a picture of him. Dumbledore then walked in along with the other headmaster's as well as Filch, Crouch and Sev, "Good day champions ! Now you've waited, you've wondered and now the moment has finally arrived, the moment only five of you can fully appreciate. What are you doing here Miss Granger ?" Dumbledore asked once he saw Hermione, "Oh nothing I'll just go." Hermione left and Crouch spoke up, "Champions in a circle round me." He then place each pf us in the spots he wanted, I was placed between Cedric and Harry, he then made us put our hands in a bag and pull out a dragon, Fleur got the Welsh green, Victor got the Chinese Fireball, Cedric got the Swedish Short-snout, Harry got the Hungarian Horntail and I got the Romanian Longhorn.

" He then place each pf us in the spots he wanted, I was placed between Cedric and Harry, he then made us put our hands in a bag and pull out a dragon, Fleur got the Welsh green, Victor got the Chinese Fireball, Cedric got the Swedish Short-snout,...

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"These represent five very real dragons,each of which has been given a golden egg to protect, your objective is simple : collect the egg. This you must do for each egg contains a clue without out which you cannot hope to proceed to the next task. Any questions ?" The five of us stayed silent then Dumbledore spoke, "Very well, Mr Diggory at the sound of the cannon-," before he could finish his sentence Mr Filch fired the cannon and you could hear the crowd chanting his name as he walked out the tent. The teachers then began to leave but Sev pulled me aside, "Britney are you sure you're up to this ?" "Do I have a choice ?" "Fair point." "I'm scared Sev." "I know, I am too, but I'll be rooting for you." "I bloody well hope so." He chuckled, "Good luck." "Thanks Sev." He then left the tent and I waited till it was my turn to face my dragon.

Soon enough it was only Harry and I left, I knew I was next since Harry was younger I just hopped I could do this, "Three of our champions have now faced their dragons and so each one of them will proceed to the next task and now our fourth champion !" I got up and made my tawau to the exit but Harry grabbed my harm, "Be careful out there sis." "Thanks Harry, I'll be rooting for you when it's your turn." I then turned and walked out into the arena where countless students were chanting my name, although it was supposed to give me confidence, it didn't it just made me feel more overwhelmed than I already was. I soon spotted the golden egg in the middle of the arena and the dragon seemed to be nowhere in sight but it didn't mean I was going to let my guard down, I tried to make my way towards the egg(keyword : tried) , I didn't even get half way before a bright green tail whipped me away from the eggs, making me loose the air in my lungs for a split second. I landed harshly on the ground and before I could even gather my thoughts, I was flung into the air by a long yellow horn, 'Now I know why they call you Longhorn.' I thought to myself as I fell back down to the ground, I braced myself for the hard impact, but it didn't come, well it did, but it definitely wasn't the rocky arena floor, I opened my eyes and was met with the head of the dragon, only I wasn't in front of it , I was on it ! The dragon must've noticed my presence on its backside because it then roared loudly and started to flap its wings violently, it the took off from the ground as the chain binding it to the arena broke, the crowd gasped, I grabbed the long yellow horn, that wasn't to far from me, as an attempt to not fall off when I got an idea. I pulled the horn towards the right making the dragon turn right and smashed the teachers stands as the dragon continued to fly towards the castle, now all I need to do is summon my broom, "Accio Firebolt !" Not even a second later, I saw my broom flying towards me I swung my leg over the side of the dragon so that both my legs were on its right side and jumped on my broom as it sped past, narrowly avoiding its massive wing, I soon lost the dragon at the bridge and was able to get the golden egg.

That night in the Gryffindor common room everyone was cheering for Harry and I as we were both able to get our eggs, Fred and George lift me up while some other Gryffindor boys that I didn't know lifted up Harry, "You two would Britney !" "Lose a leg !" "Or an arm !" "Pack it in all together ! Never !" Fred and George cheered, I saw Seamus and Dean holding mine and Harry's eggs, "Shut up ! Go on guys ! What's the clue ?" Harry and I looked at each other, "Who wants us to open it ?" Harry asked the others as the all cheered loudly telling us we should open the eggs, "You want us to open it ?" I asked again as the cheered loudly once more, Harry and opened it at the same time, big mistake, because as soon as we did the eggs let out an ear piercing screech, making everyone in the room cover their ears as Harry and I quickly shut the eggs, "What the bloody hell was that ?" Asked Ron making everyone look at him, "Alright everyone, go back to your knitting. You know what a suds this one is." I instructed the others before turning to Fred and George, "I'm going to go to bed. See you guys tomorrow." I bid the good night, walking to my dorm room, I said the password to the painting and went in, when I got to my room, I was met by Sev, who I hadn't seen since before the match, " Sev, what are you-?" He cut me off by placing his lips on mine, silencing me with a kiss that seemed to have all the worry and hope he experienced in his life, we separated for air as we lent his forehead against mine, " What was that for ?" I asked breathlessly, "For making me think I lost you to day." He replied a sounding relieved, "Britney, I'd like you to stay with me in our chambers while you're here at Hogwarts." "Okay why ?" "I just I want to keep you close."
"Of course Sev I understand." That night I slept soundlessly in his arms loving the feeling of security that he gave me.

I was sitting in the great hall with Harry, Hermione and Ron, Ron was eating as per usual, Hermione was scowling at the paper and I was watch Harry making google eyes at Cho, once Cho made eye contact with him he made an attempt to smile at her making his pumpkin juice leak out his mouth, "That was smooth Romeo." I taunted him as he rolled his eyes, "Look at this !" Hermione said angrily from behind the paper, "I can't believe it she's done it again ! Miss Granger, a plain but ambitious girl, seems to be developing a taste for famous wizards. Her latest pray, sources report, is none other then the Bulgarian bonbon Victor Krum ! No word yet on how Harry Potter is taking his latest emotion blow." Then a first year Gryffindor walked up to Ron, "Parcel for you Mr Weasley." "Thank you Nigel." The boy started staring at me, "No now Nigel, later." Ron said making the boy walk away like a child who'd just been told he couldn't get the toy he wanted, I raised my eyebrow questioningly at Ron , "I told him I'd get him Britney's autograph." He said while opening his package, "Oh look Mum sent me something." He pulled the item out and it turned out to be the most atrocious dress robes in history, "Mum sent me a dress !" He said in shock making the Gryffindor table laugh, "Well it does match your eyes. Is there a bonnet ? Ah ha." Harry pulled out the bonnet, "Put those down Harry. Ginny these must be for you." "I'm not wearing that it's ghastly !" Hermione failed to stifle her laugh, "What are you laughing about ?" Ron asked accusingly, "There not for Ginny. There for you ! Dress robes." "Dress robes ? For what ?"

"The Yule ball has been a tradition of the triwizard tournament since it's inception. On Christmas Eve night we and our guests gather in the great hall for a night of well mannered prevoletry. As representatives of the host school I expect each and every one of you to put your best foot forward, and I mean this literally, because the Yule ball is first and foremost a dance." Excited gossiping erupted from the girls where disappointed groans came from the boys, "Silence ! The house of Godric Gryffindor has commanded the respect of the wizard word for nearly ten centuries. I will not have you in the course of a single evening besmirching that name by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons ! Dance is to let the body breathe. Inside every girl a secret swan slumbers longing to burst free and take flight." From the other side of the room I heard Ron mutter something about swans, "Inside every boy a lordly lion prepared to prance. Mr Weasley." McGonagall addressed Ron, "Yes ?" "Will you join me please." They walked to the middle of the floor, "Now place your right hand on my waist." "Where  ?" "My waist." Filch started the music and I new Fred and George would never let Ron forget this.

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