Slytherin v.s Gryffindor

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The next morning was quite excited in the great hall as today is the first quidditch match of the season. The Gryffindor team would be versing the Slytherin team, which could sometimes be quite brutal considering the two houses rivalry. I was sitting with Fred and George, who were discussing game plans, when  I noticed Harry wasn't eating, I got up and sat next to him, "Take bit of toast mate. Go on." Ron encouraged, "He's right Harry. You're going to need your strength today." I chimed in when we heard a monotonous voice behind us, "Good luck today Potter." Sev said to Harry, "Then again now that you've proven yourself against a troll a little game of quidditch should be easy work for you. Even if it is against Slytherin." I fought the urge to roll my eyes at Sev's competitiveness as he walked away with a slight limp, " That explains the blood." Harry said looking at Sev's leg, "Blood ?" Hermione asked, " Last night, I'm guessing that Snape let the troll in so he could try get passed that three headed dog, but he got himself bitten, that's why he's limping." I looked at Harry in shock, "Excuse me, what three headed dog?" None of them answered, "Harry, you and I will discuss this after the match." I said getting up to change into my quidditch robes.

I was walking alongside my fellow chasers, Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet as we got into our positions to fly out our tent. As soon as the door opened we mounted our brooms and flew out onto the field as Lee, a friend of the twins and I, spoke, "Hello and welcome the the first quidditch game of the season. Today's game Slytherin vs. Gryffindor !" members from each house cheered loudly for the two teams. We and the players for Slytherin got into position, "The players take their positions as madam Hooch steps out onto the field to begin the game !" Hooch looked up at both teams, "Now I want a nice, clean game ! From all of you !" She said eyeing the Slytherin team. She kicked the box with the balls inside, releasing the bludgers and the snitch, "The bludgers are up. Followed by the golden snitch, remember the snitch is worth 150 points, the seeker catches the snitch ends the game." Madam Hooch picked up the quaffel and threw it up, "The quaffel is released... and the game begins !" Lee said as both teams chasers dove to get the quaffel. I managed to get the quaffel and started flying towards the goals, dodging all the Slytherin players that came my way. I soon reached the goals and threw the quaffel through the hoops, earning Gryffindor 10 points, "Even after a long summer break, the Gryffindor quidditch queen hasn't lost her touch." Lee commented, Slytherin got hold of the quaffel soon after, "Slytherin takes possession of the quaffel, Bletchley passes to captain Marcus Flint !" The Slytherin player headed towards the goals and made an attempt to throw the ball through the hoops, but our keeper was much faster, preventing Slytherin from scoring as Gryffindor earned another ten points. Slytherin was not happy about that as the soon started playing dirty, taking out some of our best players. Gryffindor and Slytherin were now tied, but Harry had spotted the snitch and started flying after it, until his broom started shaking him around violently as if almost trying to throw him off, but as I tried to fly towards him my broom started to go crazy too, to a point where I was hanging on to it from dear life. Eventually all the shaking seemed to stop and I pulled myself back onto my broom, continuing to try to score more goals. Out of the corner of my eye I Harry fall off his broom, luckily he wasn't far above the ground, but as he got up he looked like he was about to be sick, but instead he coughed up the snitch, "He's got the snitch ! Harry Potter receives 150 points for catching the snitch !" Lee said as the whistle blew, "Gryffindor wins !" All the players circled around Harry, clapping for him as the Gryffindor stands were shouting, 'Go, Go, Gryffindor!'

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