Into the chamber

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The next evening we went to go visit Hermione in the hospital wing, we brought here a new bouquet of flowers for next to her bed,  "We wish you were here Hermione, we need you. Now more then ever." Harry said, I was standing next to Ron while Harry sat on the other side of the bed, I noticed Harry looking down at what I assume was a piece parchment, "What's that Harry ?" I asked, " Guys this is Hermione was in the library the day she was attacked. Come on." We walked along the corridors while Harry read what was on the paper, "Many fearsome beasts roam our land, but none as deadly as the basilisk, capable of living thousands of years, instant death await any who meets this giant serpent's eye, spiders flee before it. Ron this is it the monster in the chamber of secrets is a basilisk, that's why Britney and I can here it speak, it's a snake !" Harry exclaimed, "But if it kills by looking people in the eye, why is it no one's dead yet ?" I thought for a moment, "Because no one did look it in the eye, not directly at least. That Colin boy, he must've saw it through his camera, Justin must've saw the basilisk through Nearly Headless Nick of course got full blast of it but he's a ghost he can't die again and Hermione had the mirror, I bet you anything she was using it to look around corners." "And Mrs Norris, I don't think she had a camera or a mirror Britney?" "No but there was water on the floor that night, she only saw the basilisk's reflection." Harry pulled us closer to a flame, "Spiders flee before it. It all fits !" "How's the basilisk been getting around, a dirty great snake surly someone would've seen it ?" "Hermione's answered that too." Harry informed us pointing to the word, 'pipes.' written at the bottom of the page, "Pipes ? It's using the plumbing ?" "Boys remember what Aragog said, the girl. She died in a bathroom, what if she never left ?" A look of realization washed over Ron's face, "Moaning Myrtle !" Just then McGonagall's voice sounded on the intercom, "All students to return to their house dormitories at once. All teachers to the second floor corridor at once !" Harry, Ron and I ran down the corridor till we came to the same corridor where the heir of Slytherin left the last message, I could see Sev and the other teachers so the boys and a I hid behind a wall, "As you can see, the heir of Slytherin has left another message ! Our worst fear has been realized a student has been taking by the monster into the chamber itself !
The students must be sent home I'm afraid this is the end of Hogwarts." The boys and I looked at each other until we saw Lockheart, "So sorry dozed off what did I miss ?" "A girl has snatch by the monster Lockheart, your moment has come at last." Sev said as Lockheart's smile faltered, "My mo-moment ?" Lockheart stammered, "Weren't you saying just last night that you've known all along where the entrance to the chamber of secrets is ?" Sev mocked, 'Classic Sev.' I thought, "Well that's settled then, you can deal with the monster Gilderoy, your skills after all are legend." McGonagall said sassily, 'Go Minerva !' I thought, "Very well, I'll just be in my office getting- getting ready." Lockheart walked away and Madam Pomfrey turned to McGonagall, "Who is it that the monster's taken Minerva ?" She as McGonagall sighed, "Ginny Weasley." I saw look of shock and fear run over Harry and Ron's faces, Sev was the last teacher to leave , giving us a clear view of the writing, "Her skeleton will lie in the chamber for ever. Ginny." Ron said worriedly

We ran towards Lockheart's office, "Lockheart may be useless but he's going to try and get into the chamber at least we can tell him what we know." I said we ran through the empty classroom and up to Lockheart's office, "Proffered we have some information for you-, Are you going somewhere ?" Harry asked once he saw all of Lockheart's trunks, "Well yes, urgent call, unavoidable, so sorry." "What about my sister ?!" Ron asked angrily, "As for that so unfortunate, no one regret's more then I." "You're the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. You can't leave now." "Well when I took the job, there was nothing in the job description about-," "You're running away ?! After all that stuff you did in your books ?!" Harry protested, "Books can be misleading !" Lockheart defended, "You wrote them !" "My dear boy do you not use your common sense, my books wouldn't have sold half as well if people didn't think I'd done all those things !" "So I was right, you are a fraud! Is there anything you actually can do ?!" I asked angrily, "Yes, now that you mention it, I'm rather gifted with memory charms, otherwise you see all those other wizards would've gone blabbing and I'd never have sold another book and if fact I'm afraid I'm going to have to do the same for you." We stopped him by pointing our wands at him first, "Don't even try it !" I said slowly gesturing for him to drop his wand which he did.

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