Another year of someone trying to kill us

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The next morning I got up and got dressed, not that I slept much anyway, I kept thinking about the letter of me and Sev yesterday, I mean I do want to have children with Sev one day but in 3 years ? I'm barely an adult by that time I'd have find a job to get an income, I'd have to throw away my whole life but I know sev will help me so it's not like I'll be totally alone right ?

The next morning I got up and got dressed, not that I slept much anyway, I kept thinking about the letter of me and Sev yesterday, I mean I do want to have children with Sev one day but in 3 years ? I'm barely an adult by that time I'd have find a...

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^her outfit^
I left my room and entered Harry's room only to see him standing on a  book which I assumed was the monster book of monsters, I giggled, "I see you tried to read one of your books." "I tried." "And how did that go ?" Harry gave me an annoyed look, "When did you become this sarcastic ?" "Oh Harry I became sarcastic when you became sassy." Harry nodded his head, "Touché ." He said, we left the room and saw a ginger cat chasing a rat, it looked like Ron and Hermione's pets then I saw Winter chasing the cat, "Winter ! Come her girl." I called her back as she licked me affectionately, "What are you doing here ?" I asked her, "Oh I forgot to tell you Hagrid came by earlier and once found out you were here he dropped her off." Harry explained. We went down stairs to greet the Weasley's and Hermione where I was attacked by two gingers in a hug, "Hey guys I missed you." "We missed you too." Fred said, "Yeah it's like we barely saw you last year." George commented, "We did." I replied, "Oh by the way mum asked us to give you this." Fred handed me a letter, "What's this ?" I asked, "Don't know." "Errol dropped it off this morning." I opened the letter and read it. It was a letter saying that I had been chosen to be a prefect, " I've been chosen to be a prefect !" I hugged them both, "That's great Brit !" Fred congratulated, "Yeah although you'll probably be spending more time with perfect Percy." George said, "Don't worry I can handle him." "Britney can I talk to you ?" Arther asked, "Of course Mr Weasley."  He brought me behind a pillar, "I heard about your situation with Severus." He said awkwardly trying to start a conversation, "Oh you heard." "Yes but if it's any consolation the ministry is encouraging a lot more pure blood births so this was an opportunity for them to start ." "Thank you Mr Weasley." "Good now I will speak to Harry about this but I want you that you and Harry are in danger. Grave danger." "This has something to do with Sirius Black doesn't it ?" " What do you know about Sirius Black ?" "Only that he's escaped from Azkaban." "Do you know why ?" "No sir."  "13 years ago when you and Harry stopped-." "You-know-who." "Yes, when you two stopped him, Black lost everything and to this day he still remains a faithful servant and to him you and Harry are the only that stands in the way of you-know-who returning to power and that is why he has escaped from Azkaban to find the both of you and-," "kill us." "Britney I want you to promise me that whatever you hear, you won't let Harry go looking for Black." "Mr Weasley personally I wouldn't want my little brother to go looking for someone who wants to kill us and secondly don't worry about Harry, Severus and I will make sure he doesn't get into any trouble." "Thank you Britney and congratulations on becoming a prefect." "Thank you Mr Weasley."

I sat with Fred, George and Angelina and I noticed Fred and Angelina talking a lot more then usual, "Hey George, what's up with Fred and Angelina ?" George chuckled, "Fred's got a crush on her but he doesn't want to tell her." I giggled making Fred and Angelina looked at confused, "What are you two laughing about ?" Asked Fred, "Nothing." George and I said simultaneously. The train then came to a harsh stop, "Why are we stopping ? We can't be there yet ?" I asked, "Maybe it's just a problem with the train ?" Angelina suggested, I got up and poked my head out the door to see what was going on only to be thrown back in when the train shuddered violently, George then lean over to the window to see if there was something outside, "I think there's something coming aboard." He informed us, the window then started to frost over and it became extremely cold. Winter who was sleeping at my feet a few minutes ago had woken up and was growling at the door, the four of us looked at the door to see a shadowy, ghost like figure with bony g he ands and a dark demeanor open the door, it was a dementor Winter started barking at it and I felt it suck my soul till George casted a patronus to send it away then darkness consumed me.

I woke up to Fred and George leaning over me , "If you two come any closer I will throw you both into the whomping willow." "Sarcasm that's a good sign of health." George commented, "Did any of you guys pass out ?" "No love but I felt as if I'll never be cheerful again." " I'm going to go check on Harry." I made my way to Harry's carriage and saw that he was he was passed out too, "Is Harry alright ?" "Yes he's fine, just passed out the man standing over Harry said, "Not to be rude or anything sir but who are you ?" "Remus Lupin." He stuck out his hand for me to shake, "I'm Britney Potter, Harry's older sister." "I see." Harry woke up, "What was that thing that came ?" "It a dementor, one of the guards of Azkaban, it was searching the train for Sirius Black."Remus informed Harry " Eat this you'll feel better." Remus handed Harry a piece of chocolate, "Now if you'll excuse me I need to have a little word with the driver." Harry ate the chocolate, "Did you faint too Brit ?""Yeah but I wasn't out as long as you were." I stayed for a while to make sure Harry was okay then I went back to Fred and George.

We arrived at Hogwarts and the choir was preforming a song, when the song was finished Dumbledore walked up to the podium to say his speech, "Welcome, welcome ! To another year at Hogwarts ! Now I'd like to say a few words before we become to befuddled by our excellent feast. First I would to welcome Professor R. J Lupin, who has kindly consented to fill the post of defense against the dark arts teacher. Good luck Professor." The great hall applauded for him and I saw Sev looking more sour than usual, " Our care of magical creatures for many years has decided to retire in order to spend more time with his remaining limbs. Fortunately I'm delighted to announce that his place will be taken by none other than our own Rubius Hagrid ." The Gryffindors cheered loudly at this, " Finally on a more disquieting note as a request of the ministry of magic, Hogwarts will until further notice play host to the dementors of Azkaban , until Sirius Black has been found the dementors will be stationed at every entrance at the grounds and whilst I've been assured that their presence will not disrupt our day to day activities a word of caution, dementors are vicious creatures and they will not distinguish between the one they hunt and the one that gets in their way. And therefore I much warn each and everyone of you give them no reason to harm you, it is not in the nature of a dementor to be forgiving. But you know happiness can be found even in the darkest of times when one only remembers to turn on the light." We were then dismissed but instead of going to bed I went to see Sev, "Hey Sev !" I said happily walking through the door, "Britney came straight down did you ?" "Of course I did." "Well I'm glad you did I was just about to go find you. I found out about that wolf thing for you ." "You did ?" "Yes from what you told me it sounds like you're a blood animagus." "A blood animagus ? What's that ?" "Say your father or mother was an animagus before, they can then pass on that gift to you." "And the Tom Riddle thing ?" "I spoke to Dumbledore about it and he wants us to see him tomorrow evening after dinner in his office to discuss it." "Okay." He then looked at the clock, "You should probably get back to your dorm, I don't want you out to late with a murderer and dementors on the loose ." "Okay Sev, see you tomorrow." "See you tomorrow my love."

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