I'll wait for you brother (pt 1)

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Harry and I have been living with the Dursleys for about 9 years now and it's been down right awful, they treat Harry and I like their servants . Harry is currently 9 years old and although I begged uncle Vernon not to, they put Harry in the cupboard under the stairs , they wanted me to be there too, but could fit both of us in the cupboard so I ended up getting Dudley's second bedroom . It's now my 11th birthday and , as usual I only got a small gift from Harry, I was never ungrateful for small gifts that Harry could get me, in fact I valued them quite greatly, after all I mean one small gift from my little brother is better than nothing, right ? I was still laying in my bed, half asleep, until Winter decided to jump on my bed and wake me up, thankfully the Dursleys decided to let Winter stay , but it took a lot of convincing.

I smiled at her "Yes Winter, I know what day it is

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I smiled at her "Yes Winter, I know what day it is." I said to her as she barked happily, I got out of bed, brushed my hair and teeth and got dressed.

Once I was dressed, I went downstairs to make the Dursleys breakfast with Harry, once I got downstairs I went to Harry's cupboard to wake him up, I unlocked the door and turned on the light, " Hey wake up sleepyhead, we got to make breakfast

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Once I was dressed, I went downstairs to make the Dursleys breakfast with Harry, once I got downstairs I went to Harry's cupboard to wake him up, I unlocked the door and turned on the light, " Hey wake up sleepyhead, we got to make breakfast ." I spoke softly. He stirred a bit then slowly woke up "Hey big sis, happy birthday !" He exclaimed , I chuckled at my sweet little brother, " Thank you , Harry, now get up we have to make breakfast."I said to him as I started to walk away, "Oh wait, I have to give you your present." He reached for a small box on his shelf , he handed it to me and I opened it, inside was the most beautiful necklace I have ever seen.

I gaped at the sight of it , it was stunning, , "Harry, this is beautiful, thank you ! You're the best brother a sister could ask for !" I hugged him tightly, "Where'd you get the money though ?" "Well you'd be surprised how much money is under th...

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I gaped at the sight of it , it was stunning, , "Harry, this is beautiful, thank you ! You're the best brother a sister could ask for !" I hugged him tightly, "Where'd you get the money though ?" "Well you'd be surprised how much money is under the couch cushions, and besides you deserve the best , I'll start the breakfast, you get the post." He said as I nodded and went to fetch the post, I started looking through each of the letters, but stopped when I saw my name on one. I don't know who would write to me, but I certainly wasn't going to ask, I ran upstairs and hid the letter in my drawer, I wasn't taking chances especially with that spoiled brat, Dudley. Once the letter was hidden I went back downstairs to help Harry with the breakfast.

After Harry and I had finished all our chores, I asked aunt Petunia if I could go back upstairs, thankfully she let me go and I rushed back upstairs to open my my letter. It said that I had been accepted to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, I didn't have a clue what it was but I imagined it a whole lot better than this place. I doubted that the Dursleys would let me go there willingly, so I decided to write a letter to Hogwarts explaining my situation and if they could send someone from Hogwarts to pick me up instead. I finished the letter and was thinking about how to send it without getting caught, suddenly there was a light tapping on my window, I looked over and saw an owl, 'I think it brought the letter here.' I thought, so I gave the owl my letter and it flew off, now all I have to do is wait for a reply

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