I'll wait for you brother (pt 2)

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I got a reply from Hogwarts saying that they'll  send someone from the school to pick me up just before start of term. I still haven't told Harry yet, I'm scared about how he'll react, I mean we've always been there for each other, if I leave him for some school that I never even knew existed, it would be heartbreaking knowing I'd only be able to see him during the summer, for both him and I. Harry and I are making breakfast for the Dursleys, Harry is busy doing the coffee, while I'm doing the bacon, suddenly there was a knock on the door, " Britney, get the door will you." Aunt Petunia stated rather than asked, "Yes, Aunt Petunia." I replied bluntly. I opened the door and on the other side there was a rather handsome man dressed in an all black robe, he looked to be somewhat in his late twenties/ early thirties. For some reason he felt strangely familiar to me, although I'd never met this man in my life before, when he saw I was the one who opened the door his mouth seemed to twitch upwards for a split second, "Greetings Miss Potter, I'm Professor Severus Snape, I'm here to escort you to Hogwarts school." He drawled out "Er... Yeah about that, we should probably talk in private, please come in." I said politely, stepping aside to allow him in , "Of course." He replied stepping inside, "Could you go upstairs to my bedroom, it's the first door on the left, I'll be up in a few minutes." He nodded and went upstairs.

Severus p.o.v :
I can't believe how much she looks like her mother, it's difficult to look at her in the eyes and not breakdown in tears, apologizing over and over for what I did to her, to her family. If I hadn't told the dark lord about the prophecy, Britney would still have her parents, she would have to live with such cruel guardians. Moments later she came to her room and closed the door, "My Aunt and Uncle don't know you're here so we'll have to speak quietly, please you have to help me and my brother, it's horrible here." She asked pleadingly, I sighed, "Unfortunately I can only take you, not your brother, but he'll receive his letter when he turns eleven. But perhaps it's best to tell your guardians of this first." She sighed heavily, "I know, could you come with me though, I'm not good at confrontation." She asked shyly, I fought the urge to smile at how cute that was, "Of course." I replied.

✨one massive discussion later 🤌🏼✨
Britney p.o.v :
The Dursleys finally allowed me to go, but to be honest I think they were glad to have one less freak in the house, thankfully Harry wasn't mad at me for leaving, after all he knew how it was like being stuck with the Dursleys. I asked Severus if I could take Winter with me and thankfully he agreed. He took me to a place called Diagon Ally and help me gather me school stuff, with the money we got from Gringots Bank (Turns out Harry and I had our own bank vaults) . As we were walking through the busy streets there was just one final thing I needed, "I still need to get a wand." I said, "Right, you head over to Ollivander's and get your wand, while I go pick up one more thing." I nodded and we went our separate ways. As I walked into the shop, I couldn't see anyone behind the desk, "Er..Hello?" I asked rather loudly, when suddenly a rugged elderly man appeared, upon seeing me his mouth twisted into a smile, "I'd wondered when I'd see you here, Miss Potter." He said in a husky voice. I was confused as to how he knew who I was but I decided I'd ask Severus about it later, the man went to fetch a wand and came back holding a rather dusty, rectangular box. He hand the wand to me, I just held it and looked at him, not sure what I should do with it, "Well ? What are you waiting for ? Give it a wave." He told me harshly, I flicked my wrist and a few boxes flew off the shelves, "Apparently not." He said to himself fetching another box. I did the same thing with that wand and a vase shattered, startled, I put the wand down, "Definitely not that one." The man said going off to fetch another wand, he returned and handed me a third wand, "Try this one dear." I took the wand from him and as I touched it, I felt like I was in a trance. "Curious, very curious." I looked at him confused, "Sorry, what about this is curious ?" I asked "The dragon heartstring that this wand has, it has a soulmate." "A what, sir ?" "One thing you must know child, is that we all have a special someone, the owner the wand that is your wand's soulmate, is also yours." I looked at him curiously, "How do I know who that is ?" I asked "That, my child, is for you to find out." I paid for the wand and went outside, where Severus was waiting, "I assume you got you needed ?" I asked "I did, speaking of which.." he trailed off as held up a cage with a beautiful owl in it.

"Happy Birthday

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"Happy Birthday." He finished, I was awe struck at the beautiful creature as well as the thoughtfulness of the Professor, "Oh my.. thank you, she's beautiful." I thanked him.

Severus took us to the Leaky Cauldron and booked us a room and ordered us some food, we sat at a table to eat while an awkward silence fell upon us, I decided to bite my tongue and break it. "Er... Severus can I ask you something ?" I asked, he glanced up at me for a second, "Of course." He replied, " Why do so many people know who I am ?" He stopped eating and his body seemed to tense up. "Pardon ?" He said once out of his state, "So many people know my name, but I've never met any of them. Why ?" He sighed, "When you and your brother were young, a man came to your house, he was a wizard like the rest of us but he was a dark wizard, he.... he attacked your parents and..." "killed them." I finished for him, "Yes. That mark on your neck, isn't any ordinary mark, that man tried to kill you and your brother. That's why you're famous, you're the girl- who- lived." He finished. We both went to our room, I lay on my bed , subconsciously stroking Winter as I thought about what Severus said, 'You're the girl-who-lived.'

This is Britney's wand btw

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This is Britney's wand btw

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