The maze

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I was laying in bed the night bed the task, Sev said that he'd join me later as he had some business to take care of in his storeroom, when he came back he seemed a bit riled up, "What's the matter love ?" I asked tiredly as he crawled under the sheets with me, "Your brother is a good actor my dear." He drawled as his arms snaked around my body, "What makes you say that ?" I asked him curiously, Sev heaved a tired sigh, "I noticed that two ingredients from my storeroom were missing." "And ?" "And those two ingredients happen to be for poly juice potion." "And you think Harry's the one stealing ?" "I don't know why but I wouldn't be surprised if it was him." " You've got a point there but I don't see a reason for Harry to need poly juice potion." "I suppose it is strange but time will tell." He blows out the candle on his bedside table and lay his head on his pillow, I could feel his breath tickling the back of my neck making me shudder at the pleasurable feeling, then my thoughts started to drift to the final task, I wondered what it would be, would we have to duel each other ? While I thought of more possible tasks they would make us do I soon drifted into a dreamless sleep, silently awaiting tomorrow's unknown challenges.

Today was the day, the final task and I was a nervous wreck, I stood next to Harry who looked just as nervous as I was, he could hear the band playing in the arena as we all walked out into the area, each school cheering for their champions, my heart started pounding even faster then before, I didn't have a good feeling about this task, the other champions and stood  behind Dumbledore as he ordered the crowd to be quiet, as everyone sat down my eyes met Severus', he gave me a small smile which I returned, "Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the triwizard cup deep within the maze !  Only he knows it's exact position, now as Mrs Potter." Dumbledore was cut off by the majority of Gryffindor house cheering, "And Mr Potter." Dumbledore was once again silenced the loud cheering of our housemates, "Tied for first position will be the first to enter the maze. Followed by Mr Diggory, Mr Krum and Miss Delacour ! The first pets to touch the cup will be the winner !" The crowd cheered loudly once more as Dumbledore continued his speech, "I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter, should any a contestant wish to withdraw from the task, he or she, need only send up red sparks with their wand ! Contestants ! Gather 'round , quickly !" The five of us huddled around Dumbledore as he spoke in a low and threatening tone, "In the maze, you'll find no dragons or creatures of the deep. Instead you'll face something even more challenging, you'll see people change in the maze. Oh find the cup if you can but be very wary , you could just lose yourself along the way." Dumbledore walked forward, "Champions prepare yourself !" I saw Cedric's father giving him a hug and it made me want hug Sev in case something happened, but it was too late for that now, I walked up to Harry, "Harry as soon as we enter the maze, we should find each other, we stand a better chance if we're together." Harry nodded but didn't say a word, he was nervous like the rest of us, I walked over to the entrance of the maze awaiting the sound of the cannon nervously, "on the count of three, one !" Dumbledore was interrupted by the cannon firing earlier than it should've, I gave Harry one more nervous glance before entering the maze, the thick hedges closed behind me, leaving me alone.

Silence was all that could be heard for miles, once I had gathered my thoughts, I immediately started looking for Harry, which was harder than it seemed, almost every corner I turned seemed to be a dead end, it was hard to see too, the fog was so thick, it made the atmosphere quite eerie. I continued looking for Harry, still keeping my guard up, I soon began to get frustrated as I reached another dead end, I turned back to look for another way but bumped into someone, as a reflex I grabbed my wand and aimed it at the stranger, but it wasn't a stranger at all, it was Harry, "Britney ?" He said, "Yes it's me Harry." "So what now ?" Harry asked bluntly, "Now we find that cup and get out of here.". We wondered through the maze for what seemed like hours, every sight and sound startled us, Dumbledore wasn't laying when he said this tournament wasn't for the faint hearted, all these tasks are so brutal that it would be illegal in most countries to take part in such tasks, my thou were cut off when Harry and I heard an ear piercing scream, that most like belonged to Fleur, "Did you hear that too Brit ?" "Yep." "At least I'm not going mad." Harry said chuckling lightly as if to lighten the mood, "That makes two of us." We rush to where we heard the scream and quickly hid against the hedges, Victor stepped around the corner, he facing the opposite direction from us but something seemed off about him, I tried to get a closer look but I accidentally stepped on a twig making it crunch beneath my foot, Victor turned around aiming his wand at Harry and I but his eyes were almost as foggy as the maze, sort of like he was blind, once Victor saw Harry and I he simply walked passed us like he never saw us. Harry and brushed it off and went down the path he came, it wasn't long before we came across Fleur who was being sucked under the hedges by the roots I stood up casting red sparks in the air. That was the wind started to blow violently, I pushed Harry in the opposite direction of the wind as gesture for him to run which he did as I followed, the hedges started to close behind us making as run even faster, we managed to make it out by the skin of our teeth. I helped Harry off the ground, "Thanks." He said out of the corner of our eyes we saw the cup glowing brightly but only for a split second before the hedges ahead of us started closing as well, preventing us from getting to the cup and forcing us to take another way. We ran down a random passage and it wasn't long before we stumbled into Victor once more who was firing curses at Cedric, "Get down !" He ordered us, I pulled Harry to the ground as Victor fired another curse, which Cedric quickly countered with an Expelliarmus, Cedric ran up to Victor's unconscious form and kick his wand away, Cedric pointed his wand at Victor once more before Harry and I quickly intervened, "Cedric don't ! He's bewitched !" I protested as Harry grabbed Cedric's arm in an attempt to stop him. Cedric pushed Harry off him before running off with Harry after him, leaving me no choice but to follow, the three of us raced down the maze desperate to get to the cup, we were all pulling at each other's shirts and shoving each other into the hedges, it wasn't long before the cup was in our sight again, the four of us sprinted towards it with the roots of the maze trying to trip us up and making it harder to run, Cedric fell down while Harry and I kept running but I hesitated  when I looked back and saw Cedric desperately trying to claw his way out of the roots, Harry had stopped running too, I looked between the cup and Cedric. I aimed my wand at the roots, "Reducto !" I helped Cedric out of the remaining roots as Harry helped, "Thanks." Cedric choked out, "Don't mention it." I brushed it off, "Y'know for a moment I thought you guys were going to let it get me." "For a moment so did we." "Some game huh ?" "Some game." The wind started howling again, blowing leaves and twigs harshly in our direction, I pushed Harry in the direction of the glowing trophy, "Go !" Cedric yelled above the noise of the wind. The threes of us sprinted towards the cup as the hedges closed behind us, the three of us made it to the cup as the wind continued to blow harshly, "Go on take it ! You two saved me take it !" Cedric encouraged us, "Together !" I said, "One !" "Two !" "Three !" The three of us grabbed the cup and we were swirling around before we landed in a seemingly unfamiliar environment but once I saw the statue of the grim reaper I knew this was Voldemort's doing.

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