chapter twenty one.

Start from the beginning

The girl before me was gorgeous as hell. She was my size . Blue eyes . Black hair and the most innocent face. Recognition flashes behind her eyes as she shakes her head and smiles at me. She holds her hands out . I look back and forth between her hand and her face . I shrug and grab her hand . She lifts me up as i wipe the imaginary dust off me. I look down and her books are sprawled onto the floor.
I gasp as i pick up her books "oh you dont have to do that , i bumped into you" her soft voice fills my ears as i shake my head and hand her books.

"Its no problem really" i shrug.

She gives a toothy grin as her hair falls over her shoulders showing a clear view of her face . A small little bruise is formed on the side of her cheekbone.

"What happened to you?" I furrow my eyebrows as i began to walk out the library. She soon follows me as we enter the empty school halls . She catches up to me " what do you mean?" She cocks her head innocently to the side making my mouth almost twitch into a smile . I gesture to the bruise on her face "you have a bruise" .

Her eyes widen as she soons realizes what i was talking about "oh that ...i well you see. Im new , and you know how every new girls origin story starts . With the one and only mean girls " she smiles lightly as i see her smile trying to fall.

"Someone hit you?" I question her as she nods and clenches her books tightly "i can't let my brother see or he'll blow a fuse. This is a big deal for me . At my old school i delt with the same issue" she says as we walk side by side.

I stay silent "you know makeup solves everything. He won't notice a thing if you use that shit" i shrug.

"I don't have makeup , I've never really been a fan" she chuckles as her hair bounces with each step she takes

I smile " no shit , me too" she gasps as she holds her hand infront of her mouth "Thats a bad word " i chuckle "you've never cursed?"

"Oh i have , just not as much , a specific someone of mine doesn't like me swearing".

I smile "Tell you what? You can swear how ever you want , and i won't tell that specific someone " i wink at her.

"Fuck yes!" She screams into the empty halls making me chuckle lightly.

This girl seems friendly enough , funny how i haven't met her before over this past week. Its hard finding females who doesn't think you're out to get their boyfriends or take their spot on the cheerleading team. We reach another hall as we walk in silence "you said your brother would be furious if he saw that bruise on your cheek right?"

She nods slowly "go on..."

"Well , my friend rory left her makeup kit at my place , i could help you cover it up, thats only if you want ofcourse "

She smiles brightly" really?"

"You sound suprised".

She nods "Ive never really spoken to a girl who had good intentions with me it was always "you look at my boyfriend again , and I'll kill you" she laughs as i furrow my eyebrows.

"Well , looks like you found your first friend here" i smile at her .

Her face lights up like a Christmas tree" thank you!" She screams as i nod.

We walk out the school doors as the cold air hits us " do you have a ride?"

She bites her lip "well my brother always takes me home , but he's busy at the moment and he did say i should wait for him , but..."

"But..."i urge her on.

shes lost in her thoughts as she looks between the school and me "you know what? What the heck , I'll just go with you , i can text him to say a friend brought me home".

I nod "lets go" i say and lead her to my brothers car . She bounces behind me with happiness as i smile in amusement. We stop infront of my brothers car as she gawks at it "this is yours?"

I shake my head and unlock the doors "i wish , its my dickhead brothers"

She chuckles as i connect my phone to the car. I play little death by the neighbourhood . I hear a scream from next to me. I flinch and stare at the girl next to me "what?what happened?" I say and put the volume down a bit.

She bounces in her seat as she struggles to find the words out. Her smile reaches her eyes "I LOVE THE NEIGHBOURHOOD TOO"

i blow out a breath of relief as i turn the volume up "what uncultured person doesnt?" I say and ref the engine.

"The whole of humanity,  all these people listen to rap and shit "she shivers as i nod .

"Oh before we go , ima need your address. I can jump out at my house and grab the kit and that way we can just do your makeup at your place" i offer.

She nods "23 Bellingham street"

I furrow my eyebrows , as i stare at her.
"You're the new neighbors that moved in from down the street?"

"Sooo i have a confession "

"Spilllll" i slap her arm.

"I already knew you before i met you . I've seen you from my house and i know that sounds creepy , but like i wanted to introduce myself to you but i thought you'd be like all the female population " she rambles.

So it wasn't zaid who was staring at me all the time? Some sense of relief and disappointment fills my stomach.

I shake my head as i stare at her "You know what?water under the bridge . We were bound to meet anyways" i chuckle.

I claps her hands "oh gosh , i really thought you'd kick me out of your car"

"Are you kidding me?we're basically bestfriends now"i wink at her.

She smiles "you really wanna be friends with a 15 year old?"


"Whatttt ? You're 15? You look way older "i chuckle.

She shrugs.

"Yes I'd like to be friends with you..."

"Aurelia name is aurelia , but my friends call me lia" she offers

"Nice to meet you , im estella , my friends call me stella" i wink at her and start the engine again.

Oh well...

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