"I don't know, it can't be a bird, not even an airplane would be that fast. Did we see a meteor?" said the second operator.

"We should report this," said the first operator as he picked up the phone to inform the sergeant on duty that night.

Moments later, the current radar station sergeant came into the room and immediately looked at the second operator's radar screen. The sergeant looked puzzled at the blips.

"That's almost 800 km/h, sir." The second operator said

"It's less than 15 km away!" said the first operator.

"Sound the alarm! Better to be safe than wrong." The sergeant ordered.

"Yes, sir." The first operator said this as he pressed the alarm button.

The alarm also automatically notified the local command center that danger was approaching. The sergeant also immediately picked up the phone to speak to the local command center.

Before he picked up the phone, there was a strange noise that was the sound of the jet engines of the B1 aircraft flying low, only a few hundred meters. They increased their altitude during the last phase of the mission to be able to carry out the bombing.

"What is that noise?" said the second operator.

"I don't know either, is someone attacking us?" said the first operator.

"But it's not the sound of an airplane engine," said the second operator.

The three men were silent for a few moments, both operators watching in horror as the blips rapidly approached on the radar screen while the noise grew louder and louder. Meanwhile, the sergeant cursed under his breath that the phone had not been picked up.
Suddenly, a voice was heard:



"That's the sound of a bomb dropping... Get down!" said the second radar officer.

The three men immediately hid under the desk, which had been made to be strong enough to withstand the fall of rubble in the event of an attack. The sergeant, even though he went under the desk, still had his phone with him, and it still wasn't picked up.

Finally, someone picked up the phone.

"Hello? ......." The person on the other end said.

At that moment, the Mu Empire's bombs had already hit their targets. The explosive power of close to 1 ton of TNT per bomb caused the sky to brighten in an instant due to the explosions. There were 16 bombs that fell on the radar station. Afterwards, the surrounding area was destroyed using FFAR. The radar installation building and the radar antenna were destroyed by the bombs from the Mu Empire....


Leifor-Mu Empire border.

The dawn of the day had not yet broken, and even the rooster was still sleeping soundly. However, the hum of engines from the sky broke the morning silence in the air above the Leifor Mu Empire border. There were hundreds of F1 aircraft, followed by Marin aircraft flying in various formations across the border. Far above, F3 fighters could also be seen occasionally crossing the border. If one was lucky enough to see them, there were also a number of military DC-4s crossing the border.

All that air power was used to control the air above Leifor. The F1 fighters were used as general attack aircraft that would pursue and destroy any Gra Valkas that appeared in the air and would strafe targets of opportunity. Marin fighters function as ground attack aircraft, they carry bombs and rockets to attack various predetermined strategic targets. They are protected by F1 aircraft when carrying out the attack. The F3 aircraft at altitude act as a reserve interceptor force, which can be called upon in the event of a large number of Gra Valkas.
But most strategically, the military DC-4s carried two paratrooper divisions that had just been formed in recent months in the Mu Empire. Their job was to conduct attacks from the rear.

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