These were the thoughts that plagued me every night. Today I pushed them back and closed my eyes.


"The lady said she'd be done with the traditional outfit in three weeks, so you have to go for three fittings."

I listened to ya Ummi as I munched on my Apple. Zara got up and opened up a beautiful pink fitted lace dress that was heavily beaded and a white alkyabba with golden embroidery. It was my outfit for tomorrow and it was beautiful, even I thought so.

Everyone gushed over it even though they'd seen it already, "go try it on." Ammal and zara pushed me into the bathroom.

I tried it on as they'd said and came out to meet them, they gushed some more, "That general won't know what hit him." I glared at zara, I'm sure my cheeks were as crimson as humanely possible.

I let them decide what shoe and jewelry would go more with the clothes out of the millions they'd bought and then changed out of the dress.

"Madinah baba came back today so I can't sleep with you, but I'll be here as early as possible tomorrow." Ammal tells me, sporting a guilty look on her face. Baba- her dad- was not too strict but he was not a fan of sleep overs so ammal rarely slept over when he was around.

"No problem, who's taking you home?" I picked up my Apple from the chair I'd left it on and carried on where I stopped.

"Call Ayaan please, I can't get through to the driver."

I nodded and rang Ayaan, he picked up after three rings. "Ayaa please come and take Ammal home."

As expected, his reply came, "Am I her driver?"

"She can't get through to the driver." I reasoned with him even though I knew he was only saying it and was probably already on his way.

"All that energy she uses to torment everyone, she should use it to walk home."

I rolled my eyes, "please it's getting late."

He ignored me at first and then he said, "Come with us, I want to talk to you."

I ended the call and got up, threw a hijaab over my head and pulled Ammal out to his car, leaving my sisters to their wedding planning.

This was the most time I'd spent with them my whole life, it was so sweet and warmed me up how they were all there.

Once we got to the car, I got in the back and let them bicker together in the front. We dropped Ammal first and I went back to the passenger seat. Ayaan took a route I did not recognize at first

"Where are you kidnapping me to?" I teased him, he ignored me so I added,

"You can't even get anything from kidnapping me because you would be billing yourself for ransom."

"That what happened to your father?" He retorts in sarcasm

"Well depends on who gets contacted first." Ayaan simply laughs in mockery.

"But would you actually pay my ransom?" Ofcourse sensitive me got butt hurt.

"Well if I think you're worth the amount, sure." He continues to laugh even when I punched his arm that was on the steering wheel.

"Wai keh matar soldier koh? You're so violent."

I rolled my eyes at him and ignored him. Five minutes later we pulled up to an icecream shop. Not just a regular one, it was where mommy always brought Ayaan and I.

We were basically the axis of her world, all her attention was always on us. Each day she'd pick us up from school with the driver and we'd go on outings on the weekends. May Allah forgive her, I internally prayed.

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