The TRIFECTA Chap 85 Sister's of the Crimson Bloodline

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CF-Zeta: [Stare]

AJ and Shiva: [Stare]

CF-Zeta: [Flamethrower]

Shiva: (Shocked) [Blocks]


Zeta use the crimson fatalis form to use his flamethrower that is heading towards Aj and Shiva. Shiva use her great sword as a shield while Aj went behind her. The fire collided with the sword creating a large cone shape of flame that completely burned everything around them. Black smoke reach the air from the burning of the trees where they stand.

AJ: Wow, it won't be long before people see that.

Shiva: [Headache] Argh!

AJ: Shiva!?

Shiva: Argh! Enough!!! [Headbutt]

Shiva smash her head straight into the side of the great sword to hopefully stop her headache.

CF-Zeta: ........

AJ: (Shocked) Yo, what are you doing!?

Shiva: .......[Smile] Much better! Alright now I'm hype up! Let's do this!

AJ: Alright, go! [Extreme speed]

Shiva: [Extreme speed]

CF-Zeta: Hmph! [Tail swipe]

AJ jumps on the tail and using it to start running towards Zeta while Shiva use her Great sword to stop the tail in it's place to keep Zeta from moving.

AJ: [Jumps] I got you now!

CF-Zeta: [Fire blast]

AJ: (Shocked) [Blocks]


AJ: [Falling] Ahhhhhh! [Lands hard] Ouch.

Shiva: Yeegums!

AJ: I'm okay, just a little burn....[Kneel down] Maybe it hurt a little bit more than I expected it.

CF-Zeta: Die!!!

Zeta perform a bellyflop at Aj but Aj was able to roll out the way. He jumps on the dragons's back and notice a large gash on its back.

AJ: Hm, that looks like a weak point if I know any better. [Stab]

CF-Zeta: [Screaming in pain] Ahhhhhh! Get off!

Zeta turns his body quickly to throw off Aj.

AJ: [Lands] Shiva! His back is his weakness!

Shiva: [Running] On it, let's sandwich him!

AJ went behind the dragon while Shiva continues to hold him off from the front.

CF-Zeta: [Spins]......[Flamethrower]

Shiva: Oh shit! Watch out!

The fatalis spins in a circle while firing his flamethrower around. Flames now covered most of the sand in the area making it hard to move around.

AJ: Place is getting a little intense now!

CF-Zeta: [Pounce]

The fatalis jump towards Shiva but she able to use her clutch claw to grab on to a burning tree and grapple towards it.

Shiva: [Burning] Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot! [Jump down]

AJ: I hope next time you'll be thinking before you act.

Shiva: And that coming from you!?

AJ: ......Good argument.

The fatalis flaps it's wings hard creating a shockwave going towards both of them. Shiva dash at the fatalis and uses her great sword to block the heavy winds as she continues to move forward. The fatalis stretch it's neck out to bite Shiva from the ground but she managed to jump on top of its head and then ran along down it's spine.

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