TRIFECTA The Departure of Lies

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[Earth, year 251 at the United world tournament]

Announcer: Alright ladies and gentlemen get ready for a showdown!

Crowd: [Cheering]

Everyone screaming at the top of their lungs at the outside stadium. The stadium is the size of a football field and this place is only meant for one thing.... combat. People all over the world who is talented and brave enough to put their skills to the test will settle in the arena here. Nike created this stadium years ago to drawn out the very special fighters for him to recruit for the future or those to fight for entertainment. Normals, gifted, and even gods are included in the tournament. They will be place with their same skill level for each fight to be a fair one. Some can be changed do to the person choice or call out. In the middle of the stadium there's a large concrete platform for the opponents to fight. If the opponent unable to continue or get knock out of the square platform is defeated.

Crowd: [Continue cheering]

Announcer: We are now at the semi finals! Match after match things are getting more heated up today fellas! Right now I'm here with our new guest the newly informed director of the foundation himself Allen Jackson.

AJ: Let's just keep it professional and stick with Aj. Nothing confirmed me being director yet.

Announcer: Will do and I see you have your son with you.

Rio: [Smile] Got that right. I'm the protagonist of this story.

AJ: Keep telling yourself that.

Announcer: This one going to be a tough one. She going up against a newcomer that raise up the ranks very quickly.

AJ: Ah yes, if I'm correct them two actually know each other as well.

Rio: Really!? That's exciting!

Aj: Let's see how she face her past in this match.

Announcer: Alright, and now it's about time to bring out our fighter!

Crowd: [Cheering]

Announcer: [Clears throat] Our first contender is the top dog and fan favorite herself. Going into her seventh streak with amazing athletics skills. The junkyard fighter, Sheeva! .........Hm? Is she late?

AJ: I wouldn't say that.

Out of nowhere Sheeva lands behind the Director and the announcer.

Announcer: (Shocked) Jesus!

Sheeva: [Screaming] Hahahaha! What's up everybody!!!

Crowd: [Excited while screaming]

Sheeva: [Giggles] It's good to be back for you all! Haha!

Rio: Hi mom.

Sheeva: [Waving] Hey there. How my boys doing?

AJ: [Sighs] Just seeing how this going to turn out.

Sheeva: Hey sweetie! [kisses]

AJ: Yeah, yeah, yeah, relax and don't start.....

Sheeva: [Dancing] Yeah!!!! Let me hit that!

AJ: [Sighs of embarrassment] Dancing again.

Rio: [Laughing]

Sheeva: [Giggles]

Sheeva jumps on the platform with a big leap in the air.

Sheeva: [Shadow boxing] Show me your moves.

Announcer: And now for our second contender!

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