Gathering Events 10

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(Nike's Gym Scene 1)

Nike: Alright everyone! You know the deal. Improve your mind and bodies.

Misuke: [Tired] Do we have to train everyday? I'm tired.

Nike: Crime never sleep babygirl. You gotta keep pushing.

Winters: Well, we have you. You can just travel all around the world again and lock everyone up.

Nike: And if I'm gone then what?

Misuke: Like that ever gonna happen.

Nike: You'll never know. There are opponents that can be even stronger than me. That's why you have to be prepared. Be ready.

Mary: [Giggles] The only thing we need to be ready for is your own student.

Misuke: ..... Rio.

Mary: Correction, Nio. Rio just a personality construct remember? He's not your lovely boyfriend. He never was.

Misuke: [Annoyed] Shut up.

Winters: Calm down ladies. What happened in the past stays in the past.

Mary: And if that past comes to hunt us?

Nike: Then you'll be ready.

Mary: Hmph.

[Open door]

Snow: Hey Nike, there are some people who want to see you.

Nike: [Stare] Oh, you are Mew's friends I resume. Let me see Hm.

Sojira, Aj, and Shiva: [Stare]

Nike: Welcome newcomers. This is the hero training facility. To better yourself to be the greatest of the great.

Aj: Nah, I've seen better.

Nike: Heh, already showing off. So why are you here?

Aj: She force me.

Shiva: [Smile] Yep!

Nike: Hmph, she probably sees something that I don't see.

Aj: You think I'm not good enough for your gym?

Nike: [Thinking] Depends, do you have any goals?

Aj: Well yeah I want to......

Nike: Wait, are you afraid of those goals?

Aj: Um, no? I shouldn't be right?

Nike: Ha, then you already failed.

Aj: (Confused) What!?

Nike: When it comes to goals, "true goals of course", those goals make you afraid, it makes you struggle to do them, makes them impossible. That's what I want your goals to be. I want you to achieve the impossible. If you not afraid of them then you're not working hard enough. You understand?

Aj: I guess.....

Nike: I don't want you to guess I want you to improve. That's what you are here for, improvement and I'll make sure to push you to reach that.

Shiva: Ooooo, I'm excited!

Nike: Well I see you have lots of energy.

Shiva: I want to be the best hunter and there's nothing stoping me from doing that! When I have something comes to mind I'm doing it.

Misuke: I'll hear you sister.

Nike: Good, keep that motivation and don't let no one tell you different.

Shiva: That's the plan.

Nike: Well I guess there's not much to said for you so, what about you devil woman?

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