Gathering Events pt7

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Scene 1 The learning phase.

Baby Sojira: No! No! No! No!

Shiva: (Confused) What?

Baby Sojira: That's not what the animal sounds like Shiva!

Shiva: I thought it did.

Baby Sojira: Cows doesn't go quack!

Shiva: Quack? Quack?

Baby Sojira: (Angry) Noooooo! That's wrong!

Shiva: Then what it sounds like huh?

Baby Sojira: Look! [Playing with toy] Let me show you.

Shiva: [Smile]

Toy cow: Moo!

Baby Sojira: See!? It goes Moo. It goes Moo Shiva! (Angry) It goes Moo!!!

Shiva: [Giggles] Why are you so mad?

Baby Sojira: (Angry) Cause that what cows sound like! Not quack!

Sojira: Hmm, that toy is pretty old. Could be a defect.

Baby Sojira: A defect!? No! Impossible! Undeniable!

Shiva: No is your favorite word huh?

Baby Sojira: No! Don't change the subject!

Shiva: What!?

Baby Sojira: Cows goes Moo!

Shiva: Fine! It goes Moo. You happy now?

Baby Sojira: No!

Shiva: Oh my god.

Baby Sojira: You've been disagreeing with the logical things. The logical things! You have to learn this Shiva! You said it yourself. [Grab another toy] What's this?

Shiva: It's a um,

Baby Sojira: It's a small box that have shapes all over it. You have to grab these shapes and match them for them to go in.

Shiva: Oooo sounds fun.

Baby Sojira grab the triangle shape in place it in the box that have the triangle hole shape on it. She also did the same with the circle shape item.

Baby Sojira: Ok, see how I did that?

Shiva: [Nods]

Baby Sojira: Here you go. [Hand over the toy] Now it's your turn.

Shiva: Ok. [Thinking] Hmmm.

Baby Sojira: [Stare]

Shiva: [Still thinking]

Baby Sojira: (Angry)

Shiva: [Grab the square shape]

Baby Sojira: .....

Shiva: [Hovering over the triangle hole]

Baby Sojira: (Angry)

Shiva: [Hovering over the rectangle hole]

Baby Sojira: [Breathing heavily of anger]

Shiva: [Hovering over the square hole]

Baby Sojira: [Waiting]

Shiva: [Struggling placing it in the circle hole]

Baby Sojira: [Screaming while spazzing on the floor] Shiva!!!!!!!!!

Shiva: Hey! Indoor voice only.

Baby Sojira: [Foaming at the mouth] Ahhhh!

Shiva: Chill out you little goblin!

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