The TRIFECTA Chap 48 Mastering Crystalization r

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(Meanwhile in the ice pillar)

Christie: So this is you in person. The mini Alatreon.

Sojira: [Stare] I guess.

Christie: You are such a disappointment.

Sojira: (Angry) What?

Christie: Sony could have easily killed you a moment ago, matter of fact multiple times. Do you even know how to use your own powers?

Sojira: (Angry) Of course I do!

Christie: You good at hiding it then.

Sojira: (Angry)

Christie: Your mother learn all her elements at the age of 5. What about you? You haven't even mastered one element haven't you?

Sojira: You don't fucken know me.

Christie: I don't have to. I can see it. You not even confident in your own abilities. Am I wrong?

Sojira: [Stare]

Christie: [Sighs] Of course. No wonder she died.

Sojira: (Angry) [Jumps back] Ahhhh! [Ice Avalanche]

A wave of ice started to head towards Christie but all she did was wave her hand down stopping it instantly without issue.

Sojira: (Shocked)....[Create ice bowgun and aim]

Christie: Hmph.

Sojira's ice bowgun started to get engulfed with more ice making it impossible to shoot.

Sojira: (Angry) The hell?

Christie: What now?

Sojira: [Create ice scythe]

Christie: (Surprised) Oh.

Sojira: [Dash] Ahhhhhh!

Sojira swings her scythe with the blunt side of the weapon.

Christie: [Thinking] Hm. [Crystal Dome]

At contact Sojira's weapon breaks leaving it in pieces.

Sojira: (Confused) What? (Angry) [Create ice great sword]

Christie: [Stare]

Sojira dash yet again striking the dome multiple times but doesn't put a scratch on it.

Christie: Give up? .........Hm?

Sojira: (Angry) [Punching the dome] Take it back!

Christie: What? About your little girlfriend?

Sojira: [Keeps punching] She my fiancée......was.

Sojira continue punching till her hand started bleeding.

Sojira: [Stare at hand] ....... Now I'm starting to act like her.

Christie: [Stare]

Sojira: That woman told me to leave the past in the past but that's easier say then done. It only been a month since she die and I can't never forget what happen to her. [Continue punching] So I'm not gonna stand here letting you talk to me like that!

Christie: [Sighs] Looks like you got a spine after all. [Release Crystal Dome] My apologies.

Sojira: (Confused) [Stops] Hm?

Christie: You want to take down Sony right? You want him dead?

Sojira: I want him punish for what he did.

Christie: And you think you can do that with your current power?

Sojira: ......

Christie: Hm. Lucky for you the enemy of my enemy is a friend......for now.

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