The TRIFECTA Chap 70 More than just a weapon

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The Teostra slam the ground with its paws making everything crack around himself. Mielle moves out the way by completely jumping over everything. As she doing this she created another bow and fire an arrow going straight down upon the Teostra head. His whole head slams to the ground from the force alone.

Teostra: You bastard! [Flamethrower]

SS-MIelle: [Torrent stream]

Teostra fire a flamethrower as Mielle was falling but she retaliated with her Torrent stream that fires a powerful pressure of water.


Lyra: [Taking cover] This is insane.

Sojira: [Hurting] Mielle.

Everything turned into dog blinding everyone in the area. The Teostra use heatwave to push away the fog and right as he doing this Mielle appear right in front of him.

Teostra: (Shocked)

Mielle lifts her entire leg and brings it down on the Teostra head. She also follow up the attack bring shooting multiple arrows in the air that rain upon the Teostra as she continues to beat down and dodge her own arrows in the process.

Teostra: (Angry) Grrrrr! You are such a pain!

SS-MIelle: Hm? You telling me you can handle me in your true form?

Teostra: Shut the hell up!

With a flash of speed Mielle put out a long sword and anime slash through the Teostra a total 38 times before he recognized he's been cut.

Teostra: [Coughing blood]

The Teostra kneel down in pain barely can move.

Teostra: What the hell are you? You're not Mielle, it's impossible for her to be you.

SS-MIelle: [Stare]

Teostra: Yeah, that have to be right. What the fuck are you?

SS-MIelle: I'm nothing but a weapon. A weapon that will purge all of her enemies. No matter the cost.

Sojira: Mie......[Unconscious]

Teostra: Heh, you think that shit scares me?

SS-MIelle: No, at least I hope not. When I'm done with you there will be no one to recognize your face and body.

Teostra: Bold words coming a human lover. [Heatwave]

A wave of heat starts rushing towards Mielle but she use her wings to block the incoming damage.

SS-MIelle: [Torrent stream]

She cracks her wings and hit the Teostra with Torrent stream that blasted him straight in the  eye hurting his visibility.

Teostra: [In pain] Ah! You......

Mielle immediate slides from the left over water from the torrent.

Teostra: Just die! [Fire fang]

The Teostra dash at the sliding Mielle trying to catch up with her but she was too fast to be stop. At range she continues to fire multiple barrage of arrows at the Teostra wearing him down. Teostra starts to slow down unable to keep up with Mielle.

Teostra: [Tired] Why I can't do anything?

SS-MIelle: Hmph, I already told you. [Tsunami]

Mielle created a strong wave of water with her bare hands completely putting out all the lava in the area and submerge Teostra. Lyra is holding on to the wall to keep herself from drowning.

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