The TRIFECTA Chap 23 A start of a Unfunctional Team

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(1 week later)

Shiva: (Woke up) SOJIRA!!!! Huh?

Shiva woke up in a bed but doesn't know where she at.

Yatta: Shiva! You okay! (Relieved) For a second there I actually thought you were dead.

Shiva: (Hurt) Where am I?

Yatta: Emergency room.

Shiva immediately got out of bed and try to walk but falls right on her face.

Shiva: My body. Why can't I move!?

Yatta: Hey slow down! You been out for a week.

Shiva: A week!? Damnit she long gone by now. Fuck it I'll find her anyway.

Shiva struggles to her feet and slowly starting walking off.

Yatta: Shiva! You need to relax.

Shiva: Not when she out there alone and scared.

Yatta jump in front of her and grab her shoulders.

Shiva: (Angry) Let me go Yatta or else!

Yatta: Shiva, you need to....

Shiva: Yatta! I won't rest!

Yatta: (Shocked).....

Shiva: I'm going to fine Sojira with or without your help! So either you come with me or you let me go and I can be on my way.

Yatta: Do you even know where you going!?

Shiva: I'll fine her. I know I will! (Walking off)

Yatta: And what if you run into more strong enemy like that big guy in rose hill?

Shiva: Then I'll beat they ass and I'll continue looking for her, simple.

Yatta: (Sighs) Shiva, you can't beat them alone you don't even know where to start.

Shiva: .....But, I just can't give up on her, you know. I have to look for her Yatta. So please help me or just leave me alone.

Yatta: (Sighs) I can't come with you. Someone need to look after the village.

Shiva: Fine I'll go.

Yatta: But, I do have this.

Yatta grab a poster and handed to Shiva.

Shiva: What the hell!? Is this Sojira!?

Yatta: (Nod)

Shiva: (Angry) But, this is a wanted poster! How the fuck she get a bounty on her head!? 5,000,000! That a lot.

Yatta: Calm down Shiva. The reason I'm showing you this cause it might be a lead.

Shiva: How?

Yatta: Well the Jewelry hill have a inn that mostly a bounty hunters hang out. You can start there, that might help.

Shiva: (Angry) So they can kill her!?

Yatta: No, you can just hired them to track her down with a good price of course. It might be hard to beat the reward that the king set out. There lots of hunters that can help but there 3 hunters that made a name for themselves and most likely can fine Sojira.

Shiva: Who? (So the King set that bounty? He's dead when I get her back)

Yatta: The number 1 bounty hunter is Axel the long range and mind games hunter that's good with poison. Definitely be careful with that guy. Aj number 2 a rogue samurai from the Shogun's Dream who got a bounty place on him for 2,000,000.

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