Gathering Events 12

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[Scene 1, 50 days of survival]

Aj and Shiva was on a trip to Japan for vacation with a few other but halfway there the engine had a massive failure sending it in ablaze. The plane crash on an island having metal parts fly everywhere. Everyone in the plane didn't survive cept for Aj and Shiva who was bang up pretty badly. Still daze they gathered what they can and jump off the broken plane making their first day on the mysterious island.

Day 1

Shiva: [Panicking] Ahhhhh! We're stuck here!!!! Everyone's dead!! And I'm hungry!!!!!! [Sobs] Ahhhhhhhhhh!

Aj: (Angry) Shut up! Just give it time Shiva. It won't be long before helicopters comes and get us.

Shiva: And how long will that be?

Aj: [Thinking] Maybe about four days or a little more. But we should be fine, we do have plenty of food in the........[Stare]

Shiva: [Chewing on body parts] ......Hm?


Shiva: I was starving and I didn't see any food so...

Aj: It's in the plane!!!

Shiva: Well it's not in my mouth so I didn't see it. [Munch]

Day 2

After sleeping in the cold plane, Aj decided to build a shelter for them to stay. He grab an axe from the plane and began cutting down the trees and returning them to his shelter spot. As he doing that she continues looking at the sky clueless.

Aj: [Moving logs]

Shiva: [Dumfounded] Hehe, heh, heeh heeh.

Aj: [Sighs] Could you make yourself useful?

Shiva: Uhhhhhhhhhh? How?

Aj: I don't know, catch some fish or something?

Shiva: I'll have those fishes ass in no time. [Walk off]

Aj: That should keep her busy and while she doing that I can continue with my place.

Shiva: Got some!!!

Aj: (Confused) What!? Already?

Shiva: [Eating some]

Aj: (Angry) At least cook them got damnit!!

Day 7

Few days past and Aj just finished the shelter.

Aj: Whew, talking about a workout.

Shiva: [Giving up hope] Where the helicopter!?

Aj: It might take longer than expected. I mean we are literally out of nowhere.

Shiva: Hmph.

Aj: This island isn't so bad either. Have a very nice view.

Shiva: Intruder!!!

Aj: Huh?

Shiva spot to two people from a distance. It's look like there trying to work together to get food off the tree.

Shiva: Aww, look how cute they're are. (Shocked) Oh, they remind me of Mew and Sojira.

Aj: I don't think Mew and Sojira walk on all fours so....

Shiva: Look there working together to climb the tree. The small one got on top of the tall one back to reach the apple. So cute.

Aj: They are just surviving just like we are. As long we don't get in the .....

Shiva: [Fired bow]


While the little one grab the apple and arrow struck right in her head killing her immediately.

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