The TRIFECTA Chap 57 Aj's Combat

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Aj: [Blocking]

Haze: [Laughing while attacking] What's wrong punk!? You can't keep up!?

Aj continuously blocking Haze's attacks but his strength is overpowering Aj.

Haze: [Grab neck]

Aj: [Being lifted] Ack!

Haze: You really think you was gonna get away with all this!? So many years past and nothing changed of you. Fucken useless! I've never know what Aiden sees in you!

Aj: Cause he knows that I'm better than you.

Haze: [Slams]

Aj: [In pain]

Haze chokeslam Aj straight into the ground creating a small hole in the dirt.

Haze: You was never even above my level. Not even now.

Aj: [Trying to get up]

Haze: [Downward swing]

While trying to get up haze brings his hammer down onto Aj's back.

Aj: [In pain]

Zeta voice: We should escape immediately.

Aj: Shut up! Why won't you help me?

Zeta voice: I'm not useful to you at the moment.

Aj: What?

Zeta voice: Those blades the old man have.

Aj: Hm?

Zeta voice: I have a bad feeling about those blades. I wouldn't be surprised that it can somehow cancel my regeneration.

Aj: ......

Zeta voice: Break them and I'll help.

Aj: And how the hell you think I can do that!?


Haze swing down on Aj once again.

Haze: Who the hell are you talking to? Trying to say your last words in peace?

Aj: [Getting up]

Val: [Shield bash]

Aj was sent flying towards a tree and the force of it breaks it in half.

Aj: Damnit.

Val: [Stare] Stay down.

Haze: [Bored] Come on Aj. This can't be all you got. Where's that demon form you have?

Aj: Shut up! I don't need that to kick your ass.

Haze: [Stomp] Still talking big huh? Maybe I need to remove that jaw of yours to see if you can keep yapping your mouth.

Luke: [Waiting]

Aj: You are a lot more talkative yourself Haze. Guess that's never changed now I'm thinking about it.

Haze: I'll become a whole new man once I see your life flash before your eyes. Too bad you are a massive disappointment, cause I'm about to show you your own grave.

Aj: [Worried]

[Meanwhile not far from Aj]

Shiva: Oh, okay. That's fine.

Octavia: What!!!!!???? You didn't heard anything I just said!?

Shiva: When I look at him I still see a man just like you should still see your brother. Right?

Octavia: ......

Shiva: The word family doesn't come from blood. It comes from loving someone unconditionally no matter what. Me knowing what he is now doesn't change anything as what I already think of him. I'd feel like you already know that since you trying to protect that dragon of yours.

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