Lakshman- " You are asking such a useless question... and I don't have the answer"

Urmila aggressively wipped her tears and came to his front- " Lies don't suit a Raghuvanshi like you... "

- "don't come near me... i don't want to hurt you"

"You are hurting me... you are hurting my soul, Rajkumar Lakshman... and you know that.."- Urmila shouted at him.

The rain started falling in more speed with strong wind and ear blasting thunders.
"And I'm not going anywhere until I get my answers... so I'm asking again, why are you behaving so strange? Why ain't you taking care of yourself ? Why are you always in a worse mood ? Why are you.........."

"THIS IS WHAT I AM URMILA... "- Lakshman also shouted back without letting her complete the last question.

" Everybody knows that it's a lie. You are hurting me... as well as yourself also.. for God sake stop doing it... just stop..."
Lakshman ignored her again.
"I won't... and thank you so much but you don't need to think about me".

Urmila smiled sarcastically while some more tears escaped from her red eyes.
"I wish I could do that Rajkumar Lakshman... but I can't. I can't stop thinking about you..."

"Then try it... force it.... but stop thinking about me..."- Lakshman replied loudly. But his voice got cracked in the middle, as if his soul was pulling his tongue back from saying what just he said to Urmila.

"I can't..."- Urmila's voice became windshield and he started walking towards Lakshman.
"You have to..."- Lakshman replied with rage.

- "I can't..."
- "You have to...."

- "I won't "
- "You will...."

- "You can't force me....."
- "You don't have any other option..."

- " Still I can't do it, why don't you understand..."- Urmila again shouted and got more closer to him. Lakshman became frustrated by seeing her walking closer and closer. So he also shouted back- "BUT WHY YOU........"

"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU.... I HAVE FALLEN IN LOVE WITH YOU RAJKUMAR LAKSHMAN..."-Urmila replied in raucous voice, while she reached so near him and his sword was just an inch away from her neck. Lakshman statued at his place with wide open eyes.
The sword, which he was moving ferociously just fell down on the ground from his hand.

With strident thunders and lightning, the dark clouds started bursting upon earth with extremely heavy rain.
Both the prince and princess were standing like a rock in the rain. Their eyes clashed. Even the heavy pourings couldn't hide the tears and limerance in Lakshman's eyes. While her eyes were tired of tearing.
Both of them got lost inside eachother for a moment but then Lakshman suddenly turned his face away in some other direction. - " Don't come near me Rajkumari, my presence will hurt you..."

Urmila- "You are already hurting me Dashrath nandan.... by ignoring me like this, by acting strange like this, by not accepting your feelings like this.... "

"Stop it... please. Don't make me lose my patience"- Now Lakshman's voice became windshield. He tried to wipe his tears but it had no point... because the rain was washing it off already.

"For God's sake... please open up, atleast once.. please don't run away from me"- Urmila cried.
Lakshman turned back to Urmila. - " Go under the roof... please... it's raining hard"

"Why are you concerned now ? Do you care ? "- Urmila asked boldly.

" I do Urmila... this is why I want you to go under the roof... and let me practice... "- Lakshman's words were triggering her anger so again with a sarcastic smile she said- " If you do then why are you running away from me?? Why are you hiding your feelings from me..?"

LAKSHMAN PRIYA Where stories live. Discover now