Chapter 35: Deaf

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[The day before the final round of the chunin exams. The last day before the Konoha crush arc.]

              As the calendar pages turned, a few weeks later, the world had shifted. What was once a distant horizon had drawn nearer, and the events that had transpired in that span of time had left their mark.

        She revelled in the warmth of the sun, with his arms around her in that lazy morning that both of them had gotten used to. Kakashi traced kisses from her cheek to the crest of her bountiful breasts as he murmured, "I had a dream,"

        "Oh yeah? What about?"

         "In that dream, we were getting married."

       They had decided to get married after the baby was born, lest mouths talk. She hummed, leaning against him and taking a few more moments of peace in the morning.

         During the last bits of the party, Nhira had been called away from its hustle and bustle by the lingering hazes of Areayis. The way the child smiled, innocently and naively seemed such a contrast to the truth she knew.

        Nhira scoffed to herself. 'At least Areayis's smiles are genuine, unlike mine.'

       The two of them quietly stepped away from everyone else, where the lights barely shone.

         "You did not heed my warning." The child began. "It is a sin to walk in a pretender's skin. Tell me, if he knew of the demons in your head... would he still want the creature you birth? From the creature you are."

        Areayis did not bother with Nhira's calm facade and the redhead knew too, Areayis meant no ill will. She was probably one of the few who bothered to care for Nhira without asking for anything in response, simply out of goodwill.

          "You're such a hypocrite." Nhira spat sharply and softly, Areayis agreed. "Yes, I know. Because you're like me. Creatures like us should not bind blood with humans like them and yet here we are. Beautiful monsters, deceiving men for their souls."

         "Yes, as sirens drown sailors to the depths of the sea."

          "You know well what happens to bastard children. The impurity..." Areayis didn't finish it anymore, her dark eyes watching the real emotions stir and rumble in crystal blue eyes, like a storm in the summer sky.

         "I know." Nhira's voice cracked with a heaviness and nostalgia kind of pain that was bitter and reminiscent in her tongue and her memories.

         "I know that better than anyone because I am one."

       A dirty, halfbreed child. From her mystical mother and human father.

          "Won't you fight back?" Areayis had gotten to where she wanted, to spark a flame. "You have the right to claim-" But before she could finish, Nhira's answer was firm.

         "The answer is no."

       "I haven't even asked yet, white witch."
"My answer remains the same."

          "And what do you intend to do? Ignore it?" It seemed mocking now, Areayis's tone. Although Nhira knew it was all in her head. "Yes. I'll live like a dead man and hope they leave us alone."

        "That's stupid." It was a sharp remark, and true.

       Then, Nhira asked the mermaid with some spite in her voice. "If you get to choose.... how many, hmm? How many men, women and children will be sacrificed?"

Falling for Temptation (A Kakashi Hatake story) Naruto fanficUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum