Chapter 28: Gift Basket

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A/n: Thank you all for your suggestions, they were all lovely. So, I picked out the one that I think fits best as a second name to the one I already had in mind. As you can see, her second child will have a second name too like the first, just saying. Once again thank you for participating.

Also, as I always do, the lines in bold italics are the lyrics of the song Rains of Castamere.

Kakashi stuck to her like glue, from the moment she woke up to the moment they reached home. He sat through the briefing given to newly pregnant mothers, and bought almost everything they advertised.

The prenatal vitamins clicked and clacked in their boxes as he stored them away. The brochures and infographics are glued to the fridge doors.

"Nhira, did you know?"

He scrutinized her expression closely after the doctor told her that she was pregnant. She looked shocked, her clear eyes wide like a surprised doe.

"I- um, I what?"

He concluded by the way she stuttered, the tears pooling around her eyes and the cracked way her voice came out. The way she had to take deep breaths to calm down and the sheer joy reflected in her eyes.

'Even if she knew and didn't tell me, it'd be alright. I can forgive that.'

It was at that moment, and probably long before that, that he realised he'd forgive anything she did or would do.

"No, I- I didn't know."


It took them some time but both reached a tacit understanding to go back the way they were before. Back to the time when he was blissfully unaware.

That was for the best, they both thought. For the baby, for them. It was a fragile peace in their already volatile relationship built on a lie. A lie both parties were willing to pretend to be true if it meant staying in the fantasy they both had.

And Nhira, as she skimmed through the leaflet given by the hospital of the do's and don'ts of a pregnant she thought about the things she would do but even deeper than that, 'I will protect this child. No matter the cost. No matter who gets hurt or what I have to sacrifice, so my baby,'

She gently rubbed her belly, 'My sweet baby, just grow well and healthy. Mother will worry about everything else.'

Then, she and Kakashi found time to read through the book he bought, 'All You Need to Know: First Trimester Book 1'. It was a trilogy and of course, the enthusiastic man bought all three.

Somewhere along the eaves of the pages, as they both sat on the couch a blanket covering her legs and her back resting against his chest. His arms wrapped loosely around her shoulders, holding the book open.

His smooth, deep voice rumbled like a massage. "When I was a boy my father used to put me on his shoulders and we'd walk along the river like that on afternoons." He spoke of it with so much fondness she could picture it.

'Sakumo, he saved me once and when I came here to find him... To find the family he told me I had, he was already dead. Kakashi, you must've suffered because of that.'

In the spirit of nostalgia, she leaned closer to him resting her head on his shoulders and letting her long, wavy hair fall over him like autumn leaves on the ground. She hesitated and then, after a silence she responded with something from her childhood.

The memories and the information she treasured more than her own life. Somethings only two people knew of and when she thought she was ready, she dropped bits and pieces of her old life to him hoping he could piece her back together.

Falling for Temptation (A Kakashi Hatake story) Naruto fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن