Chapter 43: Traitorous Thoughts

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        He could not describe the joy he'd felt when she trusted him enough to tell him a part of her life. Her real life and yet, a sadness overcame him.

        'I can't imagine going through all that especially when she was just a girl.'

       And it pained him all the more to know pain, grief at a young age and so seeing her open up and bare her sincerity spoke volumes.

      The gentle hum of the morning sun filtering through the paper window bathed the small kitchen in a warm glow. Kakashi, ever the quiet soul, moved with practiced ease around the counter, his movements as familiar to the room as the scent of miso paste that tickled Nhira's nose.

She leaned against the doorway, a content smile gracing her lips as she watched him. Kakashi, usually a picture of stoicism, wore a look of soft concentration as he cracked an egg with one hand, the other holding a well-worn cookbook propped against a stack of rice bowls.

"Trying a new recipe, Kakashi-sensei?" Nhira teased, her voice barely a whisper.

Kakashi startled, a rare fluster coloring his cheeks beneath his mask. He glanced at her, a sheepish smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Just something I found in the market yesterday. Thought it might be nice to try."

Nhira pushed herself off the doorframe and padded towards him, her bare feet silent on the worn floorboards. She peeked over his shoulder, her nose crinkling in amusement at the strange combination of vegetables laid out on the chopping board.

"Interesting mix," she noted, "but knowing you, it'll probably be delicious."

Kakashi chuckled, a low rumble in his chest. "That's the spirit. Besides," he added, a playful glint in his visible eye, "it wouldn't do for the esteemed Hatake Kakashi to be a one-trick pony in the kitchen, would it?"

Nhira snorted. "The only pony trick I know is how to disappear after eating your cooking."

He swatted her playfully with a hand towel, his smile widening. "In that case, perhaps I should add extra miso for incentive to stay."

They bickered back and forth in this comfortable way, their voices weaving a tapestry of morning sounds that filled the small kitchen. Nhira reached out and straightened the mask that had slipped slightly as he laughed, her touch lingering for a beat longer than necessary.

A comfortable silence settled between them as Kakashi finished chopping the vegetables. He turned, his gaze meeting hers, and for a moment, there were no words needed. The warmth in his eyes spoke volumes, a silent promise of a shared breakfast, a stolen moment of normalcy in their extraordinary lives.

Together, they moved in a well-rehearsed dance, setting the table, Nhira pouring tea while Kakashi expertly flipped the sizzling tofu in the pan. The air was thick with the aroma of sizzling vegetables and brewing tea.

As they settled at the table, the rising sun painting the sky a vibrant orange, Nhira knew this, this simple morning routine, was a love story in itself. It was in the way Kakashi always remembered her tea a little stronger, the way he saved the corner piece of tamagoyaki for her, the way their laughter mingled with the clinking of chopsticks. In the quiet moments, love bloomed, genuine and pure, a testament to the fact that forever could be built on shared breakfasts and stolen glances over a well-worn cookbook.

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