Chapter 3: Elusive Little Catfish

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Naruto as always only ate cup noodles for breakfast, but as a growing boy it wasn't enough to satiate his hunger. Still, there wasn't much to eat in his cockroach-infested home. He hummed, hands behind his back as he walked through the streets to the training ground. "Ha! Today is the day I beat that stupid Sasuke!" He happily declared.

As he walked by, his keen sense of smell picked up on the delicious smell of meat and before he realised it, Naruto was following the trail. He reached a stall selling kebabs. The glistening beef and vegetables bathed in its juices. Naruto's mouth was watering. Hanging in front of the stall was a sign that said, '10 ryo for one stick'.

Naruto's stomach grumbled in protest and the loud, blonde ninja happily skipped his way to the stall. Since it was a little late in the morning, people began to get in line. However, as soon as Naruto stood in line the people in front of him left one by one. Naruto felt stung by the gazes and unsaid disgust the villagers had for him.

'Why... Just, what did I ever do to you?'

Just like that, he was immediately pushed at the very front. The owner of the stall didn't even try to hide his distaste for Naruto. The knucklehead ninja being who he is, grinned and knuckled down the nasty feeling. "Mister! I'd like ten kebabs!"

The man clicked his tongue but still decided to give Naruto his order. He thought it would get rid of the boy faster and in his perspective, loss of money. 'He'd already driven away a lot of my customers. This cursed fox demon!'

"Ah!" Naruto's scratchy voice resounded in his exclamation. His wallet was empty. The green frog croaked. "Oh no. Sorry, mister. I don't have any money." Naruto apologized with a small smile, trying to laugh it off and by all accounts his apology was sincere. His stomach growled one more time but he didn't have a choice. The owner of the stall stared at him in anger and his face turned red. His fat arm was raised in the air.


"Here." The man was interrupted when fresh green bills showed up right in front of his face. He clenched his teeth about to retort to whoever dared shove money to his face but as soon as he laid eyes on who it was, his tongue turned stiff.

"Ah, ah...well, uhm.."

To an ordinary person, Ai's beauty was all the more detrimental. The stall owner stuttered for a long time. Ai smiled politely and then asked kindly, "I'll pay for the little kid's food and another twenty pieces, please."

"Oh! Yes, yes. Of course. Right away."

Just like that with a flushed, starstruck face the man forgot even Naruto's existence and quickly tried to please the lady. Naruto looked up at her, a beautiful woman with long, rich red hair and creamy white skin. Blue eyes, just like him and tall and slim.

As the man handed over the food, he took a small look over at Naruto and frowned. "Miss, I'm saying out of concern but really, don't associate yourself with that." Naruto bit his tongue he wanted to retort and throw a tantrum but his heart clenched and he just wanted to leave.

The man froze watching her smile fade away. Ai's sweet expression became hurt indignantly, her smile gone and in place of it a frown. Her eyes were focused and sharp. "Apologize." She was firm in her tone. "What?!" The man blurted out in surprise, clearly astonished. She glared, bright blue eyes freezing over in its coldness.

Still, the kind expression and aura she gave off didn't waver. "This little boy did nothing to you, mister. He apologized promptly for not having any money and you- you're just plain rude." The man felt his body shake, in anger and embarrassment and then his eyes looked between the striking redhead and the blonde ninja.

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