Chapter 46: Nightmare Daydream

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A/n: This chapter is dedicated to leigh282005 for your continued support. By the way did you notice the Easter egg in the last chapter? Enjoy.

       "Thanks for this Areayis." Nhira whispered as she and the young kunoichi walked inside the Hyuga compound early that next morning.

      The younger girl simply gave her a cheeky smile and replied, "No need." Her smile was infectious and Nhira found herself relieved for a little while.

Nhira, her fiery red hair pulled back in a tight braid, squared her shoulders, a mask of icy composure settled on her face. Beside her, Areayis, with her long, silky starlight white hair cascading down her back and an ever-present bubble of sweetness around her, looked every inch the innocent kunoichi. Appearances, Nhira knew, could be deceiving, especially when dealing with the calculating Hiashi Hyuga.

The air crackled with unspoken tension as Nhira and Areayis stood before the imposing figure of Hiashi Hyuga, head of the Hyuga clan.  Sunlight streamed through the open paper windows of his office, casting long shadows that danced across the stoic leader's face.

Areayis, with her long, silky starlight white hair that cascaded down her back like a waterfall and eyes the color of polished ebony, maintained a disarmingly sweet smile.

       "Lord Hiashi," she chirped, her voice bubbling with an almost childlike enthusiasm, "good morning, I hope your morning is too!  Nhira-nee here was just telling me about the beautiful gardens surrounding the compound."

Hiashi inclined his head ever so slightly. "Areayis," he acknowledged, his gaze flickering to Nhira before returning to Areayis. "I presume your here to see my nephew?"

       "Yes!" Areayis answered with a bubbly smile, her eyes curving almost closed and pearly teeth glittering.  "Well, I just showed Nhira-nee the way here. I'll go see Neji now!"


       Nhira observed the Hyuga closely. How the tips of his mouth curved into a smile and the shine in his eyes. He did not in fact despise his nephew, only that he could not show his affection.

      'Well he may be not that good of a dad but...'

      Hiashi, who was previously in a bad mood that morning had felt his heart warmed by the charming Areayis to whom he actually adored seeing as when she befriended his nephew, Neji seemed to smile more.

      'That uptight kid. I guess his little crush will loosen him up a little. If only my daughter finds someone to encourage her too...'

Hiashi, a man of few words, inclined his head in a curt nod.  His gaze, sharp and assessing, settled on Nhira.  "To what business do I owe this visit?"

Nhira dipped into a formal bow. "Lord Hiashi," she said, her voice cool and measured, "Thank you for granting me this audience."

Hiashi inclined his head ever so slightly. "Nhira, correct?" he acknowledged, his gaze flickering to her weapons before returning to Nhira. She flinched but didn't let on how she wanted to know how he knew her real name.

        "So it's true. Shikaku was right, your resemblance to your mother is uncanny."

'He knew her. So, this is why Danzo has never given me a mission related to the Hyuga.'

"Thank you, so I've been told."

Hiashi inclined his head slightly, his gaze fixed on Nhira.  "Nhira.  To what do I owe this visit?"

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