Chapter 52 Part 2: I Am My Father's Daughter

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A/n: For better reading experience listen to Our of the Woods (Taylor's Version). The lyrics of the song are in bold. Enjoy.

Looking at it now
It all seems so simple

Kakashi knelt beside Nhira, concern etched on his face. Her hand, a gruesome mess of bone and blood, lay limp in her lap. He reached out with a roll of bandages, his voice gentle, "Let me at least clean that, Nhira."

The bleeding had stopped quite some time ago, the kunai still poking through the since and flesh.

We were lying on your couch
I remember

Kakashi knelt beside Nhira, concern etched on his face. Her hand, a gruesome mess of bone and blood, lay limp in her lap. He reached out with a roll of bandages, his voice gentle, "Let me at least clean that, Nhira."

The bleeding had stopped quite some time ago, the kunai still poking through the since and flesh.

Kakashi winced as Nhira flinched away from his outstretched hand. Her eyes, though filled with a steely resolve, flickered with pain every time she moved her injured hand. "Nhira," he started, concern softening his voice, "please."

"I'm fine," she snapped, her voice strained. Her eyes, though, burned with a mix of exhaustion and a strange defiance.

"Fine?" Kakashi scoffed gently. "There's a kunai sticking out of your hand, Nhira. We need to get that treated, or you could lose your hand, or worse!"

You took a Polaroid of us

"Great, what more can I lose."

Then discovered (then discovered)
The rest of the world was black and white

Nhira was in no mood for coddling. "I can handle it," she gritted out, biting back a whimper as another jolt of pain coursed through her palm.

"I'm capable of taking care of myself."

Kakashi sighed, frustration battling with concern. "This isn't about that, you know it. It's about..." His voice trailed off. How could he explain the fear gnawing at him, the worry that the darkness she barely held at bay threatened to consume her entirely?

But we were in screaming color
And I remember thinking

"... We need to get you and Kallias treated," Kakashi conceded, his voice calm despite his frustration. "But I know you don't want go to the village. Let's at least see if the Nara can spare some beds."

He knew arguing further wouldn't get him anywhere. "But we do this my way. We can't risk leaving trails. We'll take Nara back roads to get back to the Leaf's centre."

Kallias, who had leaned heavily against a tree, spoke in a weak voice, "I don't want to get into this lovers' quarrel thing, but... uh, Little Red?" He slurred, his eyes barely open.

Nhira snapped her head towards him, her eyes narrowed. Her fatigue momentarily replaced by exasperation. "What?" she snapped, her voice strained.

Kallias, his face pale and beads of sweat glistening on his forehead, gave a sheepish grin. He offered a weak grin. "Break my fall?" he rasped out. And with that, his eyes rolled back into his head, then proceeded to promptly faint, his body slumping towards the ground.

Falling for Temptation (A Kakashi Hatake story) Naruto fanficWhere stories live. Discover now