Chapter 30

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Adwait stood silently infront of Mann singh, he didn't feel like apologizing to the old man nor he ever thanked him. Mann singh looked at the young boy who got lost during his early 20s, a trap which would have been impossible if Rayaan and Keyur hadn't approached him to look into. If love can be given by parents is considered as eternal what about the love we experience from the siblings?

"What is it boy?." Mann singh asked him looking at Keyur who was leaning against the wall holding Sevya's hand. He smiled at his younger brother.

"Nothing. " He answered holding Srida in his arms who started glaring him. He composed himself before looking back at his brother Keyur.

"I..thank you. " Adwait spoke smiling at Srida. For her he would do anything. She was the one who fired on him for not standing up when Mann singh said shit, now she's the one who forced him to stand infront of same person. Mann singh smiled at him.  He is aged to even say anything now. How and Why he behaved has no reason behind it.

"Young boy, you are lucky to have brothers like these and a wife who is sensible. She keeps you grounded. You chose well just like your brothers." Mann singh spoke looking at all three brothers. He never complimented anyone nor he received some. Being in mafia made him act like brick but he knew some day his dear girl will break into it.

"You have ghosts of past on your head still. This time, you three need to know it's not like how we dealt when Adwait went spiral into it. " He continued looking at Rayaan. Srida was confused. Radha promised her she would tell what happened to Adwait but they never got chance to gossip about anyone.

"What?." Srida whispered looking at Adwait.

"Little one, that's a long story. I would like to start with my apology first. Whatever I did, however I behaved it was to just show that I loathe you all and protect my daughter. I trust my life with her husband and his brothers but not the parents. Especially Prataps family. If Adwait likes me to talk, I am sure to tell you whatever you wish. But then, sensing your condition I don't advise you to dwell into it. " Mann singh spoke in puzzling manner. Keyur observed the old man, he never interacted with him other than work which was serevered when he commented on Radha. Rayaan was too furious to even think what all this old man had done to get Adwait out of shit. Now if he thinks a about it,  he had done it for the sake of Radha.

"Why are you suddenly helping us?." Keyur questioned him.

"I didn't. Radha came to me." Mann singh replied.

"You could have denied entry, give out information about these three to my parents or whoever related to them. Lay a trap for us. What is your motive behind this new face?." Keyur asked. Radha was silent. She figured out her father but then, Radha knew what kind of games he can play to safeguard himself first.

"I have no intention to fight or let anyone fight with my daughter and her family." He answered looking at Radha who had no expression. Rayaan didn't feel like speaking. He knew Mann singh can only harm with words. Never attacked them nor reverted back when Adwait kicked him.  Keyur has every right to question the person who not only insulted them but stayed with his parents who were too toxic for anyone to even sit with.

"Why should I trust you?." Keyur asked him. Mann singh had no words to defend. Adwait did not like that they had to take this man's help.

"I can only give my apology,  protection for your ladies and a word that my intentions were never to harm you. I was into dangerous bussiness just like you were. No way out nor knew a life where I slept without fear of not waking up next morning or seeing my family alive. Radha is my priority,  Rayaan I hope you know what I am talking about?." He said looking at Rayaan who just nodded his head. The conversation they had before his marriage is still raw to him.

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