Chapter 15

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Sevya laid on her bed as birds chirped outside. She heard Keyur groan and turn in his sleep, placing his hand over her waist. Within a second he pulled her towards him. Nudging his nose on her shoulder, Keyur placed a kiss on his wife's neck before going back to sleep. Sevya smiled at him. This is all she could ever ask for. A human who sees her as she is, who respects her for what she is, and who loves her the way she is.

Loves her?

I love you!

Turning towards him she looked at her husband. He has nose as sharp as knife and lips as thin as his patience. Tracing her finger around his face, Sevya smiled to herself. To think that she was pregnant is stupid. They always used protection as once she opposed being with him because getting pregnant before Radha bhabi will cause his parents to taunt her bhabi more.

" You can eat me too. I don't mind." She heard Keyurs voice as he opened his eyes. It's not everyday, he can see Sevya showing love on him other than their love making time. For a person who has lots of anger in them, how difficult it will be to show this kind of love openly?

" No thank you.  We pay cook to prepare food. I intend to eat as much as we pay." Sevya replied.

" Maybe as a dessert or morning shake atleast?." He asked flicking her nose.

" What about all the milk given by our cows? I don't want to waste their produce." She replied back.

" Maybe as snack?." He asked her getting on his elbow.

" i-" Sevya was ready with a reply but Keyur shut her off saying it's not needed.

Getting ready for office he looked at his wife who didn't want to join him so early. She knew its of no use arguing with him but the files which she read are not looking good.  Their deal was finalized, presentation done. But if it's a small construction of a building which is hardly 3 floors why are they allocating so much money? 

" Sevya, still thinking about those files?." He asked her.

Nodding her head as no she joined him for breakfast. A place which she avoided for days but Radha insisted her to join as she feels bored eating alone. Also she wanted to ask all the juicy details about her honeymoon.

" Ah! I see all three daughters in laws as well as my dear children are here . Pratap look at them! Don't you feel pity? I mean we could have managed to find our handsome son's a girl from royal family or some one who got etiquette equal to ours." Usha commented which made Rayaan get up from his seat. Walking towards his mother,  he leaned down trapping her between his hands. With a look equal to devil, Rayaan didn't blink.

Visibly Usha was seen getting scared of her own son.

" Mother?. I really don't understand what made you speak early in the morning about our wives. It would be really entertaining if you could tell me how you and your dear husband got married? I mean its not about only girls right ? We need to find suitable men too right? ." He hit a nerve which made Usha burst her anger on him.

" What nonsense are you talking? Is this the way you address your parents?." She questioned him.

" Hmm father? I think it would be delightful if you tell us how you courted our mother or should I say forced to court her after I was conceived ?." He walked to his father who was sweating.

" Rayaan. Just because you are running our company that doesn't mean you are given permission to disrespect your parents infront of everyone " his father shouted. Keyur got up from his chair which made everyone look at him.

" We don't want you telling us how to respect others when all you have done is treat us like a trash and drown in misery with your incompetence." He shouted with nerves popping. Radha immediately got up holding Keyur's hand asking him to calm down. Sevya on the other hand was quite shocked at his outburst.

Boys and Bullets✅️ (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن