chapter 22

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Srida limped slowly looking for water. Her both hands were plastered, ankles sore with bruises. She has not seen Adwait whole day,  Radha with her one good hand and Sevya with swollen cheek and eye helped Srida to get dressed. Rayaan and Keyur made sure Srida is fed along with their wives. They took care of her like she is a delicate flower. It's been years she felt so loved, caring. All her life Srida wanted to be loved the way she saw couples in movies but to actually get that and live with it is not what she expected.

"You could have called me. " She heard Adwait voice. Srida jumped in her place holding her chest.

"I thought you are not at home. " She replied.

"I was.  All day. " Adwait stated. Dragging herself she sat at dining table. Her hands were stiff, she chuckled at her condition even if she tries, someone has to make her drink water or else she needs to master the art of having it with the help of her feet. Adwait sat beside her holding a glass of water.

"Thank you. " She spoke looking at me who didn't meet his eyes.

"I want to go to garden. " Srida spoke. People didn't know about her condition. They thought all three went out of station . His parents arrest was all over the news which affected their company .

"Why are you hiding from me?." Srida questioned him as he made her sit in the garden.  With bent head,  Adwait didn't feel like answering her. She nudged his shoulders, a gesture he would have loved if she isn't in this condition.

" Your broken hands, brusied ankles and these cuts on your body itself should speak why am I hiding from you. " Adwait spoke sitting in front of her on grass. He picked at it trying not to look back at his wife.

" Now that you can't fuck me or cage me or have physical relationship with me. You don't want to even look at me?." Srida questioned him boldly to which he jerked his head towards her. With knotted brows, Adwait couldn't understand why she said something so absurd.

" That's not true." He voiced out slowly.

" Then? What made you think that I won't need to see you whole day?." She pushed him with her feet on his chest. He moved a bit not taking his eyes off her.

" I am sorry." That's all he's been saying since the time she opened her eyes.

" I won't accept your sorry Adwait." Srida finally addressed his apology which made him frown.

" I will only accept your apology if you promise to do all the work which bhabi and bhai has been doing for me since past week. You should be at my side whenever I need something.  Even when I don't,  I want to see you in person. If you want to go to office,  do it when I sleep." She said playing with her feet on his lap. He sighed with her request. Thanked God she didn't ask for the reason they kidnapped her.

" Sure. Whatever you order." Adwait smiled kissing her feet. They sat in silence as cool breeze played its part. Srida had too many questions in her head. One she couldn't think of was how come Radha bhabi knew about that person's deed. What was it that Sevya bhabi and her were kept in dark about?

Adwait slowly massaged her feet making sure she feel relaxed which helped her to think less. He was scared to explain the reason behind his parents arrest, why they were kidnapped. How cruel he and his brothers will look once these three important women of his life know the reason.

"Radha bhabi told me, she was trained by Rayaan bhai for self defense. I want to learn too." Srida said as Adwait smiled at her.

"Radha bhabi was trained because there were threats by some people,  bhai was terrified she might be attacked. If you want to learn I will take you to classes personally. " Adwait suggested.

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