Chapter 18

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Keyur paced around the room while Adwait just looked at his brother who is restless for no reason. Rayaan stood calmly looking at people outside his office. He silence is killing Keyur while the younger one seems to just chill lazily after heated argument with his parents.

" Did you see how our father blamed our wives? When he himself made us go into this bussiness,  made us swear not to disclose details about this horrendous act. What motive does he have behind all this? What did our wives have to do with this ?." Keyur for 11th time questioned them same which irked Adwait.

" Maybe he saw some advantage with their family before marrying us off?" Adwait scoffed looking away.

Both the brothers for a moment stopped thinking and concentrated on their younger one who carelessly threw the statement just to stop Keyur from pacing around. With worry and shock itched right on his face Keyur looked at Adwait in disbelief. Rayaan now can understand all the missing dots which he was desperately searching for.

" What is wrong with you two? He is that kinda of person. He searches for profit before serving us a morsel of food." Adwait said still not grasping the intensity of the situation. Rayaan walked to his brother and stood infront of him.  Giving attention to his talk is more important than asking him why he felt that way.

" Our father , he did not transfer any kind of shares on our names. Not to sound like a rich brat but we are not that young right? My family will start anytime soon. Ours will start. We are married. And people in our community they worship their sons. Again I am not gender biased. What I feel is that he only does what serves him right.  Like back hand bussiness which you both support and take care of. Sometimes I am unwanted child or unplanned child-" Adwait kept on talking but got interrupted by his brothers.

" You were." Rayaan and Keyur answered together. With shock plastered on his face Adwait looked bewildered.

" Are you serious?." He asked them.

" Of course. We didn't want you.  Parents didn't want this specimen either . Right Keyur?." Rayaan turned around with a smile . Keyur nodded to his statement.

" You mean to say I was raised because I exist in this world not because you love me?." He asked them

" Since we are raising you, you are still existing in this world and to talk about love , I thought Srida loves you?." Keyur said walking to his younger brother. They could see fumes coming out of his ears. With anger Adwait got up to leave which made both the brothers laugh at him loudly. He joined them too. Keyur flung his hand over his shoulder and made him sit while Rayaan dragged a chair out placing himself opposite to him.

" We are glad you were born.  Imagine being big brother to a person who is too punctual, studious not to mention emotionless ?." Rayaan said making Keyur pout.

" I know I am the light of everyone's life." Adwait bloated which made both the brothers squish his cheeks with love.

" And this light threw some on present matters in hand. You were right about his intentions. He hasn't made any of us as his successors. Gave me power to handle things at the same time not so powerful to throw him out. " Rayaan spoke earning their attention.

" And....we are his employees just as people who work for you. We might have planned well to sell off his shares showing our company in debt but that doesn't stop him from talking with other shareholders. Right bhai?." Keyur questioned.

" But how can he enter this building when he doesn't have any shares? Like rights of this construction company still lie within him not-" Adwait started blurring. 

Rayaan hit him hard on shoulder with excitement,  with one look at Keyur he understood what his brother started thinking.  While the younger one just looked shocked at them. He has somehow solved a major problem.

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