chapter 08

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All three women looked out of their respective rooms. They all had same thought on their minds.  Being progressive is important or showing that you are is? Srida couldn't believe what she witnessed today. She wondered what defaults she had  according to their in laws.

"You have zoned out."Srida heard Adwaits voice. Looking back at him, she didn't reply. He knew whatever she saw disturbed her to the core. He never wanted Srida to shine before his parents as they tend to grow expectations and pressurize Srida into duties she is not capable to carry out.

"Why do you not break this mentality? I mean people keep on taunting bhabi you three defend everyone but never break away from this toxic double faced society. What is tying you?." Srida asked to which Adwait was silent. His brothers vowed to eachother that no matter what happens they won't let this toxic culture grow from their generation.

Adwait couldn't answer her without revealing darkest secrets of his family. Which is not important to discuss with her at this stage of their relationship. 

"Srida, that's the complication of having a well reputed family. It is rare to see someone stand for what is right and fight with their own. My brothers taught me that. Good nature can't be inculcated forcefully,  my parents are best example of it. " He replied.

"But isn't it fair that bhabis take jab everytime coz of their behavior? You are their son so you are forced to tolerate why should we? I question why should you too?." Srida questioned like a curious cat. Adwait looked at his wife in awe, the answers he wanted all these years were never found but her question and agony matched his. He knew Srida is an outspoken woman he had ever met and now he knows only she can keep him grounded .

"Love? I understand your pain. Reform will take place. I cannot guarantee you that they will stop this but at some point either they have to or we will make them. Till then will you please be calm? I like this rawness in bed ." He winked diverting her mind .

Radha stood before her bed looking at it with red cheeks. The deeds which they have done in their office today reminded her to be careful. Rayaan promised to come home as soon as he gets free and now he is taking bath. She wandered around the room looking at walls . History was something she is always interested in but these walls bored her. Rayaan looked at his wife lost in her thoughts.  He wondered what must be going on in that beautiful brain.

" What is it that troubling you? Love?." He called her placing his hands on her shoulder.

" I wonder how people work for hours and never get time to sleep or enjoy simple things." She said tracing her hands on curtains.

"Like?." He questioned her.

"Like sneaking out to eat panipuri, eating ice cream at midnight,  walking on empty roads with their loved ones and walking their dogs etc." Radha mindlessly spoke turning towards her husband who had hard expression on his face. She couldn't understand what made him go from happy smiley face to this one.

" I have not taken you out to do any of that." He stated.

" It is okay, you are busy with work." Radha replied walking past him.

" I heard you brought a calf from Asanda, you know it can't stay in our garden forever." Rayaan spoke sitting beside her on their couch.

" I know, I am very troubled." Radha spoke at once looking worried which made Rayaan concentrate on her.

"I want to name her as Amba but then it will shout the same, my name is Radha hence I can't give her the same. I thought about asking the little girl itself but it won't be maharani worth gesture. Finally I decided to name her as Gauri. But then my personal helper name is Gauri. What should I do Rayaan ji ?." She spoke huffing. For a moment Rayaan couldn't understand whom she's naming admist all this his name on her lips stirred those feelings which he tried to suppress all these years.

" Radha, name your calf Devi. M sure no one has that name in our family. " He said pulling her onto his lap. Radha smiled widely at his suggestion. Keeping her hands on his shoulders she animatedly talked about what all happened at village today. Rayaan knew day by day his wife is learning to talk with him freely. He smiled as she described how tasty chach was and how scared she was to hold a calf. Pecking her in between he let his wife dump today's events in a sequence. What fascinated him was the amount of energy she had .

" Radha?." He called her as she slept in his arms. Not getting a reaction he kissed her lips. Placing his body against her on the bed.

" You will be the death of me."

Sevya slept by the time Keyur came to their room. He had to look into the files which she got and handed over to Adwait. Finalizing the number of villages he sent a quotation to his brother Rayaan for release of funds which his parents did not approve of

Keyur looked at his wife and thought how his brother will find out what happened today from him and Adwait, how he will blast within few seconds of hearing them most importantly he was worried what will he do if he finds out funds have been directed to somewhere else instead of helping villages.

He was proud the way three ladies digged up issues which were hidden in plain sight. If anyone could see someones troubles that's going to be his wife who has the capacity to read situation inside out. Not everyone is capable to clear CA in first attempt. Only brains can win such a difficult subject. Keyur wanted his wife to work as auditor for their assets but then he couldn't give her that position without consulting his parents and her looking into their bussiness will make him spill the secrets his brothers tried to protect.

"Sevya?." Keyur called her as she stirred in her sleep. Looking at packed bags he understood she's leaving him again.

" Sevya!." He shouted making her get up in a jiffy. Placing her hands on her heart she looked angrily at Keyur who pointed his hands towards her packed bags.

" I am leaving." She announced in middle of the night.

" Where?." He asked.

" I will come back." She replied turning her face away.

" You have to. If not I will search this whole earth. But where?." He questioned her again. Sevya do not have parents she was brought up by her maternal uncle and aunt who are the sweetest to the core. They looked after her as their own child. Although not born in royal family, they made sure she understood customs and traditions along with enough education for her to survive on her own. Keyur found her extremely attractive when she visited his father's company for an interview. Although she was not shortlisted, Keyur knew its her who's going to stay in his heart.

With slow and steady work he gained her trust, allowing him to marry her but the promised respect was not given to her by his parents. Sevya thought if she had to endure them for his she will as Keyur made sure, he never disrespect her or keep her in troubled state. He always stands for Sevya whenever she was belittled. But today Keyur knew she is leaving to keep their relation intact.

This is not new. When they got married, Keyur faced wrath of his mother's taunts. Which made Sevya leave him for some place no one knows. The same repeats today. He hates the fact that instead of finding solace in him, confiding her wishes, lashing out her anger she always chose to stay away from him.

" I won't tell you. " with that said Sevya went back to sleep.

With frustrated grunts he pulled her towards him not knowing what laid ahead.


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I will update every Sunday or Tuesday.  Also did everyone get chapter 07 update? It's showing as draft no matter how many time I publish it.  Please let me know if you have any trouble. 

P.S : I have got exams for next 2 months approx. I can only give you one update per week as it's important for me to concentrate. I am doctor, final yr mds so please cooperate.  I can't study one night before exam 😅.

What lies ahead?

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