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Let Me Pursue you
Let Me Pursue You – Chapter 42
January 19, 2023February 8, 2023 by Ollie
Chapter 42

Yuan Ci Xian was driven back to her room by the dark-faced Lu Shi Qing, thinking about Shaohe all the way.

It had been more than a month since the Shangzhou assassination case, the local governor and county magistrate were naturally unable to catch those assassins, and Chang’an over there also ended up with nothing.

In this regard, the explanation Emperor Huining gave to the Yuan family was that Shaohe was temporarily possessed and made such a big mistake, so she was punished to go to the Wangji Temple to honestly cultivate, and never allowed to step into the palace gate again without the imperial edict.

It’s just that the spread of this incident would damage the imperial family’s reputation, and it was not a good thing for Yuan Ci Xian. After discussing with Yuan Yu, Emperor Huining concealed the matter. Therefore, others only thought that Zheng Yun accidentally angered the emperor one day, and was confined in her princess mansion.

But this matter could be hidden from others, but not from the people involved. On the day Yuan Ci Xian got the news, she went to ask Lu Shi Qing. After all, he told her before that Shaohe’s layer was just a false illusion to deceive people, and the person the assassin really wanted to set the blame on was the Second Prince.

Lu Shi Qing explained to her that it was originally pretty good. After Vice Governor Liu framed Shaohe, he was summoned by the emperor to inquire about the case. Could not bear the emperor’s power, he confessed that it was the second prince who asked him to frame Shaohe

Compared with Shaohe, the emperor naturally believed that such tricks were done by the second prince, but unexpectedly, before he had time to investigate further, he got the news that Vice Governor Liu had suddenly died.

One moment Vice Governor Liu presented his confession, the next moment he was silenced, so the emperor wondered whether what he said was true or false, therefore failed to find conclusive evidence to convict the second prince. Although the emperor knew that Shaohe was probably innocent, for the time being he had no choice but to release the surface results to the Yuan family.

After Yuan Ci Xian heard the story, she had to admire Xu Shan and Zheng Zhuo again. They must have sent someone to kill Vice Governor Liu. These two people were really good at figuring out His Majesty’s heart, and they got rid of Vice Governor Liu at the best time, which made the emperor confuse and doubtful, and made a conspiracy that was likely to affect the Yuan family and Zheng Zhuo unfounded.

Although it was a good thing that the crisis of the Yuan family was resolved, she could not just sit and watch Shaohe become a scapegoat for this. Whether she was a rival in love or not, the truth was another matter.

People was just doing some embroidery at home, but then a crime suddenly charged from the sky. If she was Shaohe, she would probably vomit blood from anger.

Yuan Ci Xian thought about it, and decided to find a chance to meet the emperor after returning to the capital, and asked him to issue an imperial edict to spare Shaohe. No matter what the emperor thought, originally this matter was to give the explanation to the Yuan family, as long as she didn’t care about it then it was fine.

The disaster situation in Shuzhou stabilized day by day, and the post-disaster plague that almost broke out on a large scale was also controlled by Lu Shi Qing. In half a month, around the middle of Tenth month, this trip came to an end.

Yuan Ci Xian followed Lu Shi Qing all the way north, and roughly returned the same way. But she found that compared to when they came, the routes that Lu Shi Qing chose were mostly official roads, and rarely took a shortcut through the wild road.

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