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Chapter 27
Yuan Ci Xian walked slowly with weak legs, and when she heard him follow, she turned around and said, “Assistant Minister Lu, please don’t tell others that I was frightened by a snake. They all say that the tiger father has no dog daughter, this matter can make my father lose face.”

Lu Shi Qing stood half a step behind, glanced at her, and said nothing.

She turned her head away embarrassedly, but barely took two steps, she heard a faint voice behind her: “Lu is not your esteemed brother, grabbing people’s weaknesses and won’t let go.”

Yuan Ci Xian understood in an instant that Lu Shi Qing was talking about her brother grabbing his weakness and scaring him with dog over and over again.

She smiled sheepishly: “This matter is indeed my brother who’s not right. I have already told him a long time ago. Don’t worry, with me, Yuan Ci Xian, here, no one in Chang’an city dares to bully…”

She was turning her head to look at Lu Shi Qing when she said this, but before the words finished, there happened to be some steps in front of her, and suddenly her feet were empty. She stumbled but fortunately able to stand firm.

Lu Shi Qing knew what she was unable to finish, and sighed: “You should take care of yourself first.”

She pouted: “Then you walked behind me but did not warn me of.”

Just now Lu Shi Qing’s mind was also wandering, so he didn’t pay attention to her feet. Hearing this, he glanced at her and finally walked a step faster.

Yuan Ci Xian was happy to walk side by side with him, and when she was happy, she became radiant: “Don’t underestimate me, I am not timid, I’m just afraid of snakes. It’s all started because of the unrest in Yaozhou. The prince’s mansion has not yet been completed, the city was full of rioters, so I had to live in the wild with my father and mother for a while. My luck is not good, I step on snakes every few days, and one time, I even ran into one that crawled into my bed!”

Lu Shi Qing froze slightly, and blurted out: “Male snake?”

She was taken aback. What does it matter if it’s male or female? He seems to miss the important point.

She said: “It’s already good that I didn’t faint from fright, how do I know if it’s a male or a female? What happened if it’s male snake?”

Lu Shi Qing quickly realized that he seemed to have overreacted, “Oh”, and said, “I heard that male snake more likely to bite people.”

“Really?” She looked at him suspiciously, “So, that one just now…”

Yuan Ci Xian paused in the middle of speaking, clutching her stomach.

Still couldn’t recall it. The previous fainting was not all due to the snake, it was also because of Zheng Zhuo’s terrifying swordsmanship, seeing the snake’s body cut in two, its head broken and its bones smashed to a bloody mess, she couldn’t bear it.

She changed the subject: “Assistant Minister Lu, that’s the reason why I’m afraid of snakes. So what’s the reason for you to be afraid of dogs?”

It’s unknown how much this sentences exposed Lu Shi Qing’ scars, but it was rare for someone who usually good-nature suddenly had a gloomy face and said: “There is no reason.”

This Lu Shi Qing was really moody, one moment sunrise one moment raining, said it was sunny but not sunny.

Yuan Ci Xian didn’t ask any more questions, and when she looked up, she saw that the Main Hall was already in the front, but there seemed to be a rather heavy atmosphere, she couldn’t help being a little taken aback.

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