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Chapter 19 Sending Breakfast
After Lu Shi Qing returned to the mansion, he ordered Cao An to secretly send a letter to Zheng Zhuo, explaining what happened today, and because he borrowed his name, let him not expose the matter in front of the Yuan family another day.

Cao An was much more stable than Zhao Shu. Most of Lu Shi Qing’s private communication were through by him.

After finishing his work, he reported back: “Master, His Highness sent someone to bring a message saying that Shaohe Sate Princess have been making small moves recently. Please pay attention.”

“I know.” Lu Shi Qing said lightly, “Today’s two spies are hers.”

“Could it be that she knows about your personal relationship with His Highness?”

Lu Shi Qing shook his head: “This woman’s political sense is not very sharp, and sending spies is just a trivial matter, so there’s no need to worry about it. However, she can speak in front of the empress, and the empress is used to blow the pillow wind with His Highness, which should make us vigilant.”

Cao An thought to himself, the so-called trivial matter referred to the love affairs between men and women. It seemed Shaohe State Princess learned the news of Lancang County Princess leaving the capital from somewhere, so came to check on Master’s reaction. However, the fact that Master sent the soup had already made this noble princess feel very embarrassed, she would not dare to act clever in a short while.

“How does Master think about Lancang County Princess’s political sense? This servant thinks that she approached you with other intentions, not really coveting your…” He coughed, “it’s like deliberately currying favor with you for some purpose.”

Lu Shi Qing knew that the word he missed was “beauty”. He nodded, indicating that he was right.

The more they got along, the more he couldn’t underestimate Yuan Ci Xian, especially today in Yuan Mansion. After hearing her strategy that coincide with him, he subconsciously pondered and guessed on her actions.

It was hard for him to believe that her approach was simple, but it was also unpredictable. What exactly was she planning?

After all, she didn’t seem to be aware of his secret plan with Zheng Zhuo.

Cao An asked again: “Now that His Majesty has already spoken, how does Master plan to deal with this marriage that is likely to fall on your head?”

Lu Shi Qing frowned: “I have delayed this matter until the end of the year. Since it’s impossible to send her back to Yaozhou right now, let’s take one step at a time and see what she really wants.”

“This servant thinks that in fact, Master doesn’t need to hide from County Princess, since you can’t see through her, why don’t you take a closer look?”

Lu Shi Qing bowed his head to study the chess record and didn’t comment.

Yuan Ci Xian rested for a day, then the next day asked the kitchen to make some breakfast, prepared a few bottles of wound medicine, and walked out of the courtyard vigorously.

She was destined not to return to Yaozhou. His Majesty even resorted to such unreasonable tricks, which mean he made up his mind to keep her. If she insisted to go south, firstly, she might be blocked again, and secondly, it might arouse his suspicion.

She didn’t have any complaints about this, after all, leaving was fine and staying was also fine. It’s just that if she knew this earlier, she wouldn’t confide the dream to Yuan Yu. Looking at her brother’s rude attitude towards Xu Shan, she knew that he couldn’t hold his breath, afraid from now on, the Sixth Prince’s matter would have to be handled by her.

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