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Chapter 1 To Devote One’s Life
Yuan Ci Xian had a strange dream again.

This was the third time.

It was pitch black in the dream, and nothing could be seen. Trapped inside a block of damp bridge stone, she was very depressed.

The common people were discussing on the bridge, saying that the Yuan family’s father and son raised an army to rebel and deserved to die tragically, but it’s a pity that the young lady of the Yuan family was innocently implicated. Such a stunning beauty actually ended up being thrown into the river.

Someone said: “I heard that she fled to this bridge and was shot to death by random arrows.”

“Tsk, so young, only eighteen.”

Another person answered and ridiculed: “But a beauty is a beauty after all, even dead she still popular, just last night, I saw a group of people sneaking here trying to fish her up.”

At the first month last year, Yuan Ci Xian had this dream for the first time, and she didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

She, the beautiful flower, turned into a stone trampled by thousands of people, scorched by the scorching sun, frozen by rain and snow, and accompanied by dirty and smelly shoe soles and carriage wheels every day. What the hell is this?

Not to mention how her father and brother rebelled, she was curious who would care about her dead body.

But don’t bother try to fish her up. She’s in the stone, can they help to chisel her out?

However, the first time she encountered such an absurd dream, she laughed it off. It wasn’t until she was tortured by this dream again on the first month of this year, she realized something was wrong.

She heard someone on the bridge lamenting that the world was unpredictable, saying that back then, Yuan’s father and son were brutally killed by the sixth imperial son of the emperor, but now, the case of rebellion had taken a new turn and been rehabilitated.

Some people quietly echoed, saying exactly, look at what had changed rapidly in the past half year. First, Emperor Huining was forced to abdicated, and became a retired emperor with empty shell, and then the thirteenth ranked young prince ascended to the throne, assisted by the most favored minister of the retired emperor… Who would have expected such an irony?

Speaking until here, it seemed that a carriage was approaching, and the two were silent for a while.

Yuan Ci Xian also woke up, opened her eyes to think about it, and couldn’t help being startled.

How come this dream seem to be more than just a dream.

She was born in Chang’an, the capital of the country, and moved to Yaozhou with her father who was named the “Diannan Prince” when she was nine years old. It was not until last year that she returned to the capital to be conferred “Lancang County Princess”, and then soon returned to the southwest.

Since she had been far away from the court center for many years, she knew very little about those boring political affairs, so how could she dream of these things out of thin air? What was even more shocking was that after she indirectly questioned her father, she found that the current monarch really had a four-year-old son, who was ranked thirteen.

After thinking about it, Yuan Ci Xian shivered.

At that time, she was already jittery, and then a few days later, she learned from the letter from her brother, who was remained in the capital, that he seemed to be getting close to the sixth son of the emperor recently. Recalling that two years later in the dream, her brother was killed by this person, she couldn’t sit still. She packed up and went to Chang’an, intending to find out.

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